103 : I'm Sorry

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The car ride to the firehouse was tense, to say the least. Gallo kept sneaking glances toward the girl sat beside him, the mother of his child. His thoughts were racing. Maybe what he said back there was a little harsh.

"You don't like the fact that I'm working on squad while pregnant." Y/N spits out matter-of-factly.
Gallo was becoming increasingly irritated, his tone showing it, "I don't, and quite honestly, I don't think I will be even when the baby's here."

Sure, he didn't like that she was working on squad while pregnant, but did he have to retort it out like that? Even after they had just been talking about baby names for their little boy?

After all, this wasn't supposed to be his baby. He was just supposed to be a donor. A donor for his girl best friends who just so happened to be trying to start a family. I guess that was all cut short when Violet passed.

Silence enveloped the interior of the car as the two drove down the quieter roads to get to 51. "Y/N," Gallo began. He turned his eyes from the road for a moment to look at her. She seemed unfazed, as if he hadn't just spoken directly to her. With a sigh, he turned back to the road and carried on, "Look. I'm sorry. I had no place to suggest that you should consider a full-time position on ambo. I know that you love working on squad. It's just - " The conversation dips off as the ebony haired man cleared his throat, "I know what happened with Violet wrecked you, but I don't want to have to bring this child up having to tell him what his mother was like. All because she died in some twisted call."

Y/N didn't look at the man. Instead, she sat gazing longingly out of the window, yet listening intently to every word being said. Tears welled in the pits of her eyes, threatening to spill. Bloody pregnancy hormones.

Rarely was Gallo known to be vulnerable. The crack in his voice showed the girl he truly did care, and the incident in the coffee shop truly was a mistake.

Never did a moment go by where the man didn't worry for the woman beside him. Hell, they were engaged. One of the only things keeping him from relapsing was her - and obviously their unborn son - and he couldn't stand to lose her.

A few hot tears fell down the girls cheeks as she turned to look at Gallo. The car had just been parked on the curb outside the firehouse, but their shift didn't start for another 20 minutes. "Gah, Gallo, you're gonna be the death of me one day." Y/N manages to say. A short chuckle was shared between the two. "I'm sorry for blowing up on you back at the coffee shop. I just - I just can't stand to lose you."
"Stop being sentimental." She jokes, punching his arm lightly to lighten the mood. "I'm not going anywhere anytime soon. You're stuck with me forever."
He fake winces, "Oof, I might have to rethink that one then."

The pair erput into laughter before finally calming down. Sylvie had just walked up the apron and in through the doors to the locker room.
"Let's ace this shift," Gallo says, "and then we can talk about baby names. The ones we thought of were horrific." The girl nods in agreement before leaving the car and entering the firehouse.

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