110 : Time, Mama

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After being transferred upstairs and getting settled, they were in a waiting game. Y/N was settled, bracing through the pain with no medication. She was laid in the bed, awaiting Hannah's next examination.

Carver stood, hands in pockets. "Do you want me to call anyone?"
The girl shook her head, giving him a small smile, "Thank you, though."
He nods, "Well, uh, I should probably go. You probably want someone else here." He says, turning toward the door and beginning to leave.
"Please don't go. Don't go, Sam." Her voice cracked slightly yet was assertive. He nodded, walking back to her side. He interlinked his fingers with hers, giving her hand a reassuring squeeze, "I'm not going anywhere unless you ask me to."
"Thank you."

The moment was short-lived as the girl endured another contraction. Dr. Asher walked back in, "Just here for an examination. If you just let your legs fall apart. Wonderful." Shs performs the exam, "Still some waiting to do, 6 centimetres. I'll be back in an hour."

Y/N moves back into her more comfortable position on her side. "Do you need anything?" The man asks.
"Only this damn baby out of me." The two chuckle. He pulls a chair up to her bedside, and the two begin talking.

After a short period of time, the
Y/H/C decided to have a short walk around the room to try and alleviate some pain. "Hey, come here." She beckons. Grabbing his hands, she places them on her hips as she wraps her arms around his neck. Her head rests gently on his shoulder as his grip tightens on her hips. It gave the girl some sense of security in the events occurring only inches down from her eyes.

The girl was obviously in excruciating pain, Carver could see, so he decided to spark up a conversation to try and get her mind off of it. "So, what are you going to call him?"
A moment of silence as she passes through another contraction, "I think I know, but I'm not sure yet. I need to see him first."
"You want him to fit his name?"

Hours later, Dr. Asher is back, giving yet another exam. Y/N sat through another contraction. "It's time, Mama."
The girls eyes grew wide. In such a short time, she would be a mum. She would be responsible for a life on the outside. It's not like she hadn't done anything like it before. She looked after Freya before she went to Arizona with Y/N's parents. But Freya was 7. Sure, she'd seen her when she was a baby, but it wasn't the same. She would be responsible for his whole life.

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