109 : Just Breathe

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"You're not bothering me. Now, what's going on?"
"I don't know, Sam. Something's not right." She answered, tears falling down her cheeks and more pains occurring.
"Okay. Walk me through it." He said, his voice comforting and kind, unlike what the team were to know it at work.
"I was just walking, and then this liquid was just all over the floor, and now - oh God."
"Y/N, I think you're in labor."
"No, no, it's too early."
"Okay, I need you to calm down. Take a deep breath for me. I'll come around to your apartment. Just sit down, and I'll be there soon."
Carver hangs up the phone, leaving Y/N with her thoughts.

Things like that were dangerous. She tended to overthink things. Considering this was to do with her child, practically the only sliver left of Violet that she held, she was worrying a lot more than usual.
"Just breathe Y/N. Listen to Sam. Just breathe." She tells herself, "Easier said than done." She paces around her apartment for a little longer, finally finding a spot at her kitchen counter. She places her elbows down, laying her head in her clasped hands. She rocks slowly side to side, breathing through her pain.

Soon enough, she hears the sound of the door opening and closing. One lucky thing for always keeping the door unlocked. Strong arms rested on her shoulders, relieving some of the pressure she didn't know she had. "Sam?" She asks. He nods and gives her shoulders a short, sharp squeeze, "I'm here."
"Sam, I'm scared." Her voice cracks.
"I know. Let's get you to the hospital."
She nods, finding her feet again and standing straight up. Carver takes her hand and places his other on her shoulder, guiding her toward the door. He helps her put her shoes on before disappearing into her room to grab her bag packed for the hospital.

The two arrived at med only 10 minutes after leaving. Walking into the ER waiting room, they were caught up in a long line of patients waiting. It took a further 10 minutes for them to finally be asked why they were there. "If you'd take a seat over there." The receptionist said.
"Did you not just listen to anything I said?" Carver asks, "She's in active labour. Page Dr. Asher."
"Sir -" She finally looks up from her papers, seeing how much pain the girl was in, "Okay. Come with me, I'll get Dr. Asher for you."

Hannah walked out, rushing to the girls' aid. "I think we might be having a baby today."
"It's too early, Hannah. He's only been in there for 36 weeks. His lungs aren't completely developed, and he could face so many complications and -"
"Y/N, I'm going to need you to take a deep breath for me." She motions to a nurse, "Let's get her upstairs."

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