111 : Aren't Always Accurate

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An hour of pushing. An hour of excruciating pain. Yet an hour of pain to meet her baby. Strangled, squeaking cries filled the room as
Y/N laid back, a smile on her face and hot tears streaming down her cheeks. The doctors took the baby, cleaning them off. "Look at you, wonder woman." Sam remarked, smiling down at the woman and wiping beads of sweat from her forehead.
"I really did it?"
"You did it." The two smiled, and a nurse walked back over.
"A very healthy baby girl. Considering only being in there for 36 weeks." The nurse handed her over. The two firefighters looked at her confused. "A girl? I was told it was a boy." Y/N says.
"What can I say? Ultrasounds aren't always accurate."

The girl looked down to the baby in her hands. Her little baby girl. She was all hers. Forever.

The infant began crying again. A hefty pair of lungs on her. The mother raises a finger to her daughters cheek, caressing it softly, "It's okay, baby. It's okay."


An hour or so passed. The doctors would return later to perform exams on the baby and check on the new mother. Y/N sat cradling the now sleeping girl, smiling down at her greatest blessing. Carver sat in the chair beside her bed, smiling at the sight.

"She's perfect, isn't she?"
"She's beautiful." Carver replies.
The girl finally looks up, facing the man who had been there with her through the past 14 hours. "Thank you, Sam. For being here. It means a lot."
He simply shrugs, "I would do anything for you."
"It's true, Y/N. You are the best thing in this world. You and your daughter deserve it all."
"Isabella. That's her name. Isabella Colette Y/L/N."
"Well then, you and Isabella deserve the world."
The woman looks up to him from her daughter, "You really mean that?"
"Every word." There's a moment of silence before Y/N speaks up, "Sam, you're perfect. Seriously. You're the best guy I know."

He leans over, kissing her head, "Let me take you out on another date."
Jokingly, the girl replies, "Were the 20 we went on not enough?"
"They'll never be enough." He remarks, smiling at the two girls.

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