108 : Who Else To Call

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More weeks passed. The girl onlt nearing closer to her due date. It was only 3 weeks away. She wasn't showing much, having the looks of being 20 weeks, not 36. Still, she carried on. She stayed working, going in for each shift she could.

Y/N and Gallo still weren't talking. Well, they were talking, obviously, for calls, but apart from that, there was no communication. While all of this was going on, she was growing closer to Carver. They would hang out while on shift and ended up spending most of their time off shift together as well.

Sylvie and Stella had been helping set things up for the baby and were both excited to be aunties. Needless to say, everyone was excited to meet the little baby.

They currently were off shift, and Sylvie and Stella were over at Y/N's apartment. The three sat on the sofa, Sylvie and Stella with wine and Y/N with water. "Soo, any names yet?" Stella asks.
"A few," Y/N pauses for a moment, "Am I allowed to not feel guilty that I'm not including Gallo in any of this?"
"Honey, this is your baby. He wasn't supposed to be involved. What he isn't involved in won't hurt him." Sylvie answers.
"But you know Gallo."
"We do. He'll try everything he can. He's not going to stop until someone else makes him. When you need it, we'll be here." Stella answers.
Tears form in the youngest girls eyes, "Thank you guys."
"Hey, don't cry." Sylvie says.
"Damn hormones."

A few hours passed, and Sylvie and Stella had left not so long ago. She had just been messaging Carver. They weren't talking about anything specific, though.

It had only been 5 minutes, and Y/N was walking to her room. Suddenly, she felt a weird sensation. It took a few moments, then she realised. "Ah shit." Y/N muttered underneath her breath. Quickly tidying it up, she began feeling sharp pains. They were spaced out yet intense. Very different from the braxton hicks she'd been feeling only days before.

The girl left it for a few hours to see if it would go away. However, it only got worse, and the time between only got shorter. Picking up her phone, she scanned through her contacts, thinking of anyone to call. Finally, she picked one, dialling the number in a mere matter of seconds.
She took a deep breath through another, "Hey. Sorry for bothering you, I didn't know who else to call."

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