107 : Feels Fluttery

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The call was over with fairly quickly. 81 headed back to the house while 61 took the patient to med. They hung out there for a while, gathering supplies and finishing charts.

By the time they arrived back at 51, there was no one to be seen anywhere. The two girls were confused yet carried on through the house, trying to find anyone and everyone.

"Hello?" Sylvie said. The two advanced further, finally ending up in the locker room. No one. They moved on into the bunk room just to find everyone sat on their bunks. Some were asleep, others engaging in conversation, some others filing paperwork, and the odd few reading. "What the hell happened to you lot while we were at med?" Y/N asks. "What aliens are you?" Sylvie asks. They all share a look before Capp speaks up, "Boden put us in time out." The girls start laughing, awarding themselves a glare from the rest of the house.

They stop and turn to walk back through the locker room and into the common room. Y/N stops, instinctively placing her hand underneath her breasts, revealing her baby bump. "Y/N?" Sylvie questions, concern laced throughout her voice, "What's wrong?"
"I-I don't know. It feels fluttery. It-it doesn't feel right."
Sylvie chuckles slightly, placing her hand on the bump, "That's baby boy kicking. Everything is perfectly fine."
"Really?" Y/N asks.
"Yeah. Yeah. Oh, honey." The blonde takes the girl into a tight hug, "Watch you grow to be the best mother ever."

Behind them, confused looks are being shared left and right. Mouch, Capp, Tony, Cruz, and Carver all have at least one cocked brow. If not two. Stella, Gallo, Ritter, Herrmann, and Severide all smile at the great news. "Hold on. What?" Mouch asks, clearly missing something.
"I'm pregnant." Y/N says, smiling toward the team, "He should be here in 16 weeks."
"Oh my God." The ones unkowing, except from Carver, move and give the girl a hug, all smiling toward her.

The moment is cut short when the bells ring again, 'Ambulance 61. Routine check. 18 Northwood Street'
The two girls who had entered only minutes before were back out of the doors and onto the apparatus floor, entering the ambo.

Sylvie begins driving with sirens off as it was a routine check. The two engaged in small talk conversing about anything and everything.

On arrival, Y/N knocked lightly on the door. They knew this patient well, Dottie Harris. She had a heart transplant a few months ago but keeps forgetting to take her medication. She isn't one to blame, though, because of her early onset dementia. The older woman opened the door, a small smile tugging on the corner of her lips. She invites the pair in. Taking a seat on her sofa, the girls begin their examination.
"Vitals look good." Y/N says.
"Everything else looks good, too." Sylvie replies, "Are you ready for your meds, Dottie?"
The older woman nods, still smiling. Sylvie deals out the meds, handing a glass of water to the woman to take them with.

She took them happily, starting up a conversation. "Honey," she says, regarding Y/N, "how far along are you?"
"Excuse me?"
"Come on, you're glowing, you have a small bump, it's inevitable you're pregnant." The two younger girls share a look, smiles on their faces, "24 weeks Dottie."
"And she felt him kick for the first time, not even an hour ago." Sylvie adds.
"Ooh, this is wonderful. This has made my day. Thank you, girls."
The girls smile, "Take care of yourself, Dottie." Sylvie says as the two walk back out to the rig.

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