114 : Biggest Flirt I Know

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Only minutes later, Dr. Asher had left and came back. Only now she was here for an exam. "I'm just gonna check your vitals and other things. It's just for us to determine when abouts we'll discharge you. I'll get through this, and we'll discuss Isabella's test results."


A short while later, the doctor determined that y/n would be discharged late evening or early hours of the morning. The four adults gathered to go through - the now sleeping - baby's test results. Gallo sat in a chair next to the bed while Carver sat next to y/n, per her request, as she took hold of his hand and rested her head softly on his arm.

"Isabella is healthy. She passed all of her tests with flying colours."

Unknowingly, y/n let out a breath of which she was unaware of holding in. Dr. Asher went on for a bit longer before stating, "We're going to get your discharge papers started y/n. You should be free to go early in the morning, considering it is 11 pm now." Both women nod as the doctor leaves the room.

A baby Isabella began to stir. Y/n looked up to face Gallo, "Go get your daughter."
"You sure?" He asks, confused.
"Yeah. You're gonna have to meet her someday, right?"

Slowly, the man got up and walked toward the bassinet. Gently, he picked up the infant, soothing her back to sleep. He sat back down in the chair he was in before, staring at the baby in awe.

"Did he call Chief?" Y/n asks the man beside her, her soft tone prominent.
"Not yet."
The girl nods silently, "So, what did you two talk about while I was asleep?"
He smiles at her, "You. Your family. And how I was going to ask you to be official on our date tomorrow before Isabella decided to evict herself."
Y/n looked shocked, "You were going to ask to be official?" He nods as y/n talks again, "But I was gonna do that." She jokingly pouts.

The pair looked at each other, and before they knew it, their soft lips joined together. They moved in sync, enjoying every moment of their first kiss. A low pitched cough brought them back to reality, back from the world they'd just been lost in. "There's children in the room. And, dude, you said you were gonna wait a few weeks so she could get used to the whole 'being a mother' thing?" Carver shrugged, "I guess I just couldn't resist."
"Okay, Gallo, give me my daughter back. Please?" Y/n begs with puppy eyes.
"Okay, okay. Here." He hands over the infant before looking down at his watch, "I should get going, leave you alone. I'll see you on shift Carver." The men nod at each other before y/n speaks up, "Don't bother calling chief, I got it."
"I'll make a mental note of it." And with that, Gallo left the room.

"You should really try to get some sleep." Carver says.
"I'm fine. I'll be discharged soon, plus. She's too cute to look away from. I mean, just look at her tiny nose and little eyes, and - oh, she's perfect."
"Well, I can see where she gets it from."
"You, Sam Carver, are the biggest flirt I know."
"You wouldn't change it."
"I wouldn't push your luck, Mr. Perfect Baby Soother." She says as he laughs, planting a small kiss on her forehead.

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