112 : Don't Be A Dick

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After a slight debate on whether to tell anyone, Y/N decided to call Gallo.
"Uh, hey, Gallo." She said.
"Y/N, why are you calling? Is something wrong with baby boy?"
The girl chuckles, "No. No. Actually, I've got baby here right now. She was born around an hour ago."
"Really?" Although they were on a voice call, she could hear his smile radiate through the screen. "Wait, she?"
"I guess she was giving us false information."
The two share a laugh, "I'll come by med so you're not alone."
Before she could protest, the girl could hear a car door close and him begin to drive. "Alright, see you seen then."

She hangs the phone up, placing it down next to her on the hospital bed. Isabella begins crying again. "She's beautiful, but she cries so damn much."
Carver laughs and picks up the baby from the bassinet. He rocks her slowly as he walks over to the woman. However, before they could get there, she had fallen asleep again. "Look at you, Mr. baby soother."
"I think your baby is just a hugger."
"Come here." The girl beckons. Carver sits next to her, Isabella in arms. "Thank you again for being here."
"Stop thanking me Y/N, I was only here for moral support."
She lays her head on his shoulder softly, taking a look at her sleeping daughter.


Only 5 minutes later, the door swings open, and there appears Gallo. "Y/N are yo- oh, Carver."
The black haired man stands there, shoving his hands in his pockets. Y/N sighs, "Gallo, don't be a dick about this."
"I'm not. Just, why did you call him and not literally anyone else? You've known this prick for how long, 12 weeks? And now you're all over him like you're some obedient maid?" His voice begins to raise, causing Isabella to stir.
"Gallo, please, not now."
"Oh, we're doing this now. You - "
"Hey, that's enough." Carver, cutting off Gallo, says, standing up and placing Isabella back in the bassinet, "First of all, the baby is sleeping, second of all -Gallo- the woman you're getting frustrated with is also the woman who has just gone through 14 hours of pain to bring your child into the world. Yeah, maybe you weren't there, but it shouldn't change anything."

Gallo looks down, sort of in defeat, clenching his fists tightly in his pockets. "The two of you shouldn't be fighting, not now, at least."
Gallo looks up again, finally meeting the eyes of the two other adults in the room. "Fine, fine. Sorry."
Y/N looks down at the time on her phone, "The doctors are gonna come back in a minute to run some tests on Issy. We're gonna talk and then you can meet her. If you're not happy with that, then you can leave." She states.

They sit in an awkward silence for a few minutes before a nurse, one you hadn't met before, walks in. "Hi," the younger man states, he was probably in early residency. He gives  the three a smile, "I'm nurse Lewis, I work on the peds floor."
"The what-a-what now?" Gallo asks.
"Peds, Gallo, children's floor. Surely someone as ego high as you should know that." The girl says.
"Y/N." Carver says in a warning tone.
"Sorry, sorry. The lack of energy is getting to me."
Nurse Lewis walking toward the bassinet, said, "I am here to take the baby for her tests. Just so you're aware." The adults laugh,
"We assumed." Gallo says.
The nurse nods, "Well, I've got baby all set. I'll take her for her tests and bring her back as soon as she's done."
"Thank you." The new mother says.

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