106 : Something New

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Three whole weeks passed. Gallo and Y/N were still on the rocks. She was giving him the cold shoulder. Boden had given her the option to transfer back to squad, yet she politely declined.

Today was just like any other day. It was a shift day. The woman would wake up, take her prenatals, and take a shower. She would change for shift and try to conceal her evergrowing swollen belly. A short while later, she would leave her apartment, greeting her neighbours on the way, and after only a 15-minute car journey, she would be walking up the apron and into the locker room. Each shift followed with the same routine. She thought to embrace it before her world would change forever.

It came to the last part of her routine, walking up the apron and into the locker room, when she saw something unusual in her sight line. Something new.

The woman walked forward, wanting a closer eye. As she placed her bag in her locker, she wandered toward the man. "Hi," she said kindly. He turned around and offered her a small smile. She returned it, holding her hand out, which he took and shook. "Y/N
Y/L/N. Squad, well ambo for now. It's complicated." He let's out a small chuckle, releasing from her grip, "Sam Carver. Truck."
"Well, welcome to 51, Carver. We've got briefing in 10. I'll see you in there."
"Thanks. You too, Y/L/N."

The Y/E/C -eyed girl wandered from the locker room, hands in pockets, and a smile on her glowing features. Sylvie came up to her in the halls, "Hey Y/N, how are you this morning?"
"Good. Why?" She asked, slightly sceptical.
"Good. We're restocking the ambo after briefing. Low on medazalan, gauze, tourniquets, and so much more."
"Alright. I'll see you in there, Sylv."
"See you in there." She says with a bright smile, continuing in the opposite direction.

Y/N carried on her way through to the common room, finally reaching her destination of the coffee pot. She poured one cup, savouring it like the gold at the end of a rainbow. Herrmann made his way through, additionally landing himself at the coffee pot. He seemed confused at her sudden slow drinking rate, farrowing his brows slightly before letting a half smile tug on the corners of his pursed lips, "You been put on that one cup a day thing? All the guys on the engine have been doing it. Dont see how, though."
"If I get a really big cup, I'm still technically having one, right?"
"I don't think it works like that. Who's put you on that, by the way?"
"My doctor." The girl said.
"Your doc - you're pregnant, aren't you." He says with a smile. Y/N returns it with a small, "Yeah."
"Y/N Y/L/N." Herrmann envelops the girl in a warm hug. "Congratulations."
"Thanks, Herrmann."
"So, how long?"
"24 weeks."
"Well, you look great." He says. The girl gives him a smile before the two of them head into the briefing room.

When they arrived, most people were in there. One of the only spare seats was next to the new guy. She took the chance, starting a conversation as she did, "Hey."
"Hey." He replied.
"So, uh, how long have you been out of the academy." She says, receiving a chuckle, "Oh a while."
She laughs at his remark. He speaks up too, "How about you?"
"7 years. I've been a candidate since I was 19."
"Woah. So firefighting runs in the family."
"It did. A lot happened, though, and now it's just me, but it is what it is."
The two were about to continue their conversation when Boden walked in. Conversations died down, and he began to talk.
"Today, we have our annual spring clean. We have a task roster here that will be shared at the end." He carries on giving information about other events and checks for the rigs. The bells ring, 'Ambulance 61, truck 81, person trapped, 0800 South Vivian Avenue."

The different companies dispurse from the briefing room; Y/N, Sylvie, Stella, Mouch, Gallo, and Carver. They're all in their rigs and driving to the scene in a matter of minutes.

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