115 : Familiar Face

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Two weeks had passed and y/n was adjusting to newborn motherhood surprisingly well. However, the lack of sleep and human interaction had started to get to her. Sure, she saw Gallo and Carver but they were on shift 2-3 times a week and both had lives of their own. She craved a normal conversation so turned to the best place available. Her dads and niece. 

Sitting down on the sofa of the freshly cleaned apartment, she pulled out her phone and began a facetime to her Pop's phone. Isabella lay restless in a makeshift cot, made out of pillows and blankets, letting out random cries every so often.

The ringing continued for what felt like eternities until a familiar face popped up from the other end, holding the phone out at arms length. "Aunt y/n!" A young girl exclaimed. 

"Hi Frey. Oh my, I've missed you." Y/n replies.

"I've missed you too. Grandad and Grandpop are just outside by the way," she says navigating her way around the kitchen counter before taking a seat upon a bar stool and setting the phone against a plant pot, "they should be back in soon."

"Alright then. What are they doing?"

"Trying to figure out what flowers to plant in their new flower garden. I requested sunflowers though so there will definitely be some of them."

"That's wonderful. Hey, how's school going?"

"It's good," Freya looks down at the counter, "for the most part."

"What's going on, honey?" Y/n asks confused, "You know you can always talk to me."

Looking up from her twisting hands, Freya speaks, "There's these girls. Layla and Sailor. Let's just say they're not the nicest girls in the world. They just go on about how I live with my grandparents and how they're gay and they're always asking where my parents are and I don't know what to tell them because I don't want them to know so I tell them that my Mum and Dad are working abroad for some FBI project."

"First of all, I think the fact that their names are Layla and Sailor say a lot about them, or at least their parents. Secondly, how long has this been going on? The fact they're getting away with this is absurd."

"Since I joined. I tell the teachers and they say they'll do things but they never do. I guess none of them really care as much as they say they do."

"Oh, honey, I'm really sorry. Do your Grandpop and Granddad know?" The younger girl shakes her head, "Okay. What I want you to do is tell them, okay? And I know they will do everything they can to help you."

Freya nods, giving her aunt a smile. "How is Chicago? And 51? And work?"

"Everything's perfect here." A smile tugs at the corner of y/n's lips and Freya cocks a brow.

"What aren't you saying?"

"Nothing. I don't possibly know what you could be talking about."

"Oh come on, I lived with you for 3 years of my life. I can tell when you're lying."

Y/n smiles, "Okay, okay. I haven't told you one thing. Granddad and Grandpop don't know either so how about we wait until they're there to say?"

"I'm gonna go get them." The young blonde turns around in the chair, practically running to the backyard to get her grandparents. Y/n waits in silence, a smile still prominent on her face. Before she knew it, the child was back on the screen with her grandparents behind her.

"Y/n, darling, how are you?"

"I'm good, Pop. Actually. I have something to tell you all."

"Is everything okay with you and the baby?" The woman's Dad asks.

"That's actually what I wanted to talk about." The woman picks up her phone, turning the camera onto her daughter, "Meet Isabella Colette y/l/n." The older men both have tears in their eyes and Freya is dancing on her stool like a kid on Christmas, a smile spread on each of their faces.

There is silence for a few minutes, everyone looking at the new baby in complete adoration. "Oh honey, I'm so proud of you." The girl's Dad says, breaking the silence. She turns the phone camera back around, resting it upon the candle as it was before. Picking up a sleeping Isabella, she smiles, tears welling in the depths of her y/e/c eyes.

"Thank you, Dad."

"Oh my God, oh my God, oh my God. I have baby cousin."

"Well, little Bella has the best big cousin to look up to." Y/n says.

Another beat of silence, this time, her Pop spoke up, "I might be wrong, but, wasn't the baby supposed to be a boy?"

"Yes, Pop. The ultrasound was obviously giving false information. A definite girl right here."

The family share a laugh. "When can we meet her? Like in person?" The Dad asks.

"Maybe you could come out for a few days soon?"

"We'll be there. I'll text you later with details."

The three others laugh at the man's punctuality. Honestly, though, they expected it. He did used to work in one of the highest firefighting jobs you could get. It was basically in his blood to have things ready practically as soon as they came in.


A/N - I'm sorry for the inactivity on here, I've been busy writing one of my criminal minds stories and getting that closer to the publishing date.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11, 2023 ⏰

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