104 : Transfer

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Walking up the apron, a million thoughts ran through Y/N's head. Maybe switching to ambo full time would be a good idea. She has mostly been there for the past 4 months. And it does come with fewer risks than squad.

She pondered the idea until hearing her name called from behind her. "Lieutenant?" She questioned.
"Meet me in my office after you're ready for shift. We need to talk." Kelly Severide said. With a nod, she was back off into the locker room.

"Morning." Stella called.
"You alright?"
"Oh yeah. Yeah. All good here." Y/N says. Stella gives her a confused look before heading out of the locker room.

Quickly, the Y/H/C -haired girl changes into her shift uniform and heads to Severide's quarters. She places a knock on the door as he signals for her to come in.
"What's up, Lieutenant?"
"You're pregnant?"
Y/N looks at her superior with a shocked expression, not really being able to understand how he knows. "Y-yes." She chokes out.
"You're on ambo for the foreseeable." He remarks.
"Y/L/N, I can't have you getting injured on a call, and it affecting your child."
"All due respect, it's my decision if I want to take the risk. Boden made that very clear to me."
"I am clearly not Boden. The decision has already been made. You're on temporary transfer to 61. After that, you may be transferred there full time."
The girl scoffs, muttering under her breath as she leaves his quarters, "Unbelievable."

Heading into the common room, practically everyone she passed asked if she was okay, and each time, without fail, she ignored them. Entering the common room, she saw Gallo talking with Ritter in the back corner. She slumps down in the chair between them.

"Hey, Mama. What's got you so...angsty?" Ritter asks.
"Ritter, shut the fuck up. 1, never call me that again. 2. Never say anything regarding this situation again. Barely anyone knows. 3, Severide's given me temporary transfer to ambo. He said that I might even be transferred there permanently." The girl sighs. Gallo places a hand on her thigh, giving her a reassuring half smile.

The bells rang only seconds later. Ambo 61 was being called to a school. As quickly as she was sat, she was stood. Y/N made her way to ambo, buckling herself in the passenger seat as Sylvie drove.
"How's everything?" She asks.
Y/N furrows her brow, "Good. Why?"
"Well, I didn't ask you to be transferred, but here you are."
"Severide did it."
Sylvie shakes her head. She was now confused, "Nope."
"What?" The other girls' brows untwisted as her previous conversations came replaying in her mind, "Gallo."
"Why would Gallo do that?" Sylvie asks.
"He has this thing with me working on squad while pregnant. He's acting like I'm some china doll that is so fragile it will crack if you breathe on it."
"Maybe I should talk to him? Try to give him some sense?"
Y/N smiles and turns to Sylvie, "I'm okay. Thank you, though."

The ambo is put in park, and the girls head out, "That's what friends are for." Sylvie says before they're greeted by a scared looking teacher at the entrance doors. "Please. Hurry."
"Ma'am, what's going on?" Sylvie asks, authority blanketing her usually bubbly tone.
"One of the students. They accidentally left a bunsen burner on, and the flames burnt 3 students."
Sylvie gives the Y/H/C -haired girl a nod, signalling to radio for more units.
"This is ambo 61 to maine. I'm gonna need you to roll two additional ambos to our location."

In a matter of seconds, the three of you ended up in the science classroom. Uninjured students lined the far east wall, a teacher huddling them back further. The three injured students sat on backless science chairs, a different teacher accompanying them.
"Y/N, I'll assess the patients before you dress the wounds with a cold compress and bandage. They'll figure the rest out at med."
The girl gives Sylvie a nod before helping attend to the patients.

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