Chapter 3

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Newt takes your hand and leads you to the massive doors of The Maze. The Runners come out of The Maze in pairs. Each boy runs past you and greets you quickly. At least they weren't staring at you like all the others. Then, last pair come through. These two were different. They almost stop in their tracks when they see you. One was dark-skinned with black hair and muscular. He looked Asian. The one beside of him was a little less muscular and a bit tanner than Newt with brown hair. Both of them were very handsome.

"Minho, Thomas, get your shuck-faced selves over here and meet the new Greenbean!" Newt yells. You are definitely staring and the glorious boys running out of The Maze towards you. As if you even cared.

Once the pair were out of The Maze, Newt introduced you to them. "Greenie, this is Minho," Newt gestured towards the Asian boy. He smiled and waved at you. "And this here is Thomas Shuck-Face Shank." You had to giggle at the name Newt had given Thomas.

The more you stared at Thomas the more familiar he looked. You just couldn't place where you had seen him before. There's no way you could have seen him before now. You'd definitely be able to remember a face and body like that. He looked at you with the same state you were giving him. Surely he couldn't recognize you, too, right? Of course not! You've never seen each other before. This is just some weird coincidence thing.

"Well, Minho, Shuck-Face, nice to meet you." You can't hold in your laugh as you call Thomas by the nickname Newt had given him. All of you except for Thomas laugh. He just pouts and walks away. You all let him go.

Once the laughing is done you all head towards a group of tables near a couple of other buildings. Newt and Minho explain that dinner is usually right after The Doors close and that they're starving. Come to think it, your stomach sounds pretty empty, too. "Hey Greenbean, after dinner can I maybe get to know you better." Minho says as he winks at you. You instantly blush and shyly nod. He doesn't even know your name and yet he says he wants to "get to know you better". How ironic.

All three of you sit at a wooden table with four other people. They all introduce themselves (except for Thomas, Minho, and Newt) as Alby, Gally, and Chuck. A string tugs at your heart as you look at Chuck. He's so much younger than everyone else here. He can't be more than fourteen years old. Whoever did this to all of you must be someone cruel and heartless.

You try not to brood over your thought of Chuck and try to enjoy the food and listen to their conversations. It keeps switching every so often from one subject to the next, until the subject switches to you.

"So do you remember your name yet?" Alby asks. You shake your head, embarrassed that you can't think of your name. "It's okay. You'll remember it within a day or two. No one knew their name when they first got here." Alby says reassuringly. From what you've gathered about him, he's the leader of everyone here and Newt is his second in command.

"Hey Greenie," Thomas says, "what are you staring at this shank for?" He asks elbowing Minho in the ribs. Your face turns scarlet as you realize you were staring at him. Instead of saying anything, you just shrug your shoulders while looking down. You hear them all laughing and you're able to depict Minho's sexy laugh out of all of them. Your face turns even more red.


Once everyone had finished all of their food you all start heading towards a big building that Alby called "The Homestead". "Hey guys," Minho yells at the group, "is it okay if I talk to this Greenbean alone?" You lock your eyes with them and you see a small glimmer of what appears to be lust. You look around at the other boys and they all nod and give him a knowing look except for Alby. It looks like he's trying to send some telepathic message to Minho. And his glare looks almost deadly. Finally, he nods. You walk over to Minho and he takes your hand leading you somewhere away from the others.

"Where are we going?" You ask once you're both out of earshot of the other boys. He looks at you with a sneaky grin on his face. Once again, your cheeks start getting red. He's so flirtatious. You think to yourself.

He doesn't even answer you, but you decide not to keep asking. After almost ten minutes of silence you're both in a meadow of some sort. It's behind a huge crowd of trees and near one of the walls. It's beautiful. So many gorgeous flowers are blooming and the grass is so green.

"Well, here we are." He says in an almost suggestive tone. His voice sends chills throughout your entire body and it isn't even cold outside. It doesn't help that you came here wearing only a pair of shorts and a tank top. Minho looks at you and frowns. "Here," he says, "take my shirt. It might not be much better, but at least you'll be covering more of your arms." He starts to take off his shirt and you can't stop staring at his perfectly shaped body.

Your jaw is literally hanging open at the sight of him taking his shirt off. He's taking it off slowly almost...almost like a tease. You find yourself standing there wanting him to hurry and take the bloody shirt off already. Finally, it's off.

"Here, I didn't need it anyways." He says and hands over the shirt to you. It smells like nature. No sweat, no cologne, it just smells like trees and grass. And it's amazing.

"T-thank you." You stutter as you put the t-shirt on. It's so warm and feels like a blanket.

"Are you still cold?" He asks. You shake your head and bite your lip. You don't mean to in a seductive way, but to Minho is turns out that way. "Come closer." He tells you and holds his arms out. You walk towards him and welcome the embrace. You both stand there hugging for a few minutes before you say break the embrace and look into his gorgeous eyes.

"[Y/N]." You say. He gives you a confused look. "That's my name! I remember it! [Y/N] is my name!" A huge smile spreads across both of your faces and he brings you into another hug.

"That's a beautiful name." He says. "It's almost as beautiful as you." Your cheeks flush yet again. Minho then takes his hand and lifts your chin up to meet his gaze. "I want to know you better than anyone in the world. I want to do anything you tell me to." He says. He then whispers, "Will you let me?"

You start shivering again. His voice is so sexy. You're at a loss for words as you gaze up into his eyes. Instead of answering him you decide to kiss him. Minho kisses back with hungrily with passion. It's so amazing. His tongue goes for your mouth and you let him in. Your tongues are dancing as you both kiss.

It's Minho who breaks the kiss first. "[Y/N]," he says, "I think I might like you."

"I think I might like you, too." You say. This time, your cheeks don't turn a single shade of red. You look at Minho with desire in your eyes. And what you see is a reflection of that desire in his own. "Can we stay here a bit longer?" You ask once again biting your lower lip.

Minho smiles at you, "I don't think anyone will miss us." He says.

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