Chapter 6

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[Hey guys! Major cliff hanger on the last chapter, right? So I decided to publish this chapter a little faster than I wanted to because one of my friends was just dying for me to publish this because of the cliff hanger. I think I might start publishing chapters one by one instead of in pairs or by threes. It'll just be a lot quicker if I do it that way. Anyways, now for a part that I know members of The Fandom will enjoy because this is a VERY popular character!! There is also a small spoiler in this chapter that the people who have never read the series will not know happened in the books. Read at your own risk!]

Newt's P.O.V.

I watched as she left the tables. That girl was definitely something, I'm just not sure what. Now that I think about it, Alby was stupid to make that rule. The girl could beat the klunk out of anyone who tried to mess with her.

I decided to look away from her as she ran and focused on finishing my lunch. I couldn't help but feel uneasy as I ate. I somewhat felt like [Y/N] was my responsibility since I was the first person she talked to. I know it's stupid, but I feel like I should be keeping an eye on her.

After sitting on the bench and staring out into space left alone with my thoughts I decided to get up and check on her. This nagging feeling that there was something wrong wouldn't leave my mind. It was really starting to worry me. There was still almost fifteen minutes left of our lunch break. I could use that time to help calm her down.

The first place I went to look for her was the meadow her and Minho disappeared to last night. Was it really just last night? It feels like she's been here a lot longer than that.

She's not there. I look around in the surrounding forest for her as well, but she's not there either. My heart begins to beat at an alarming rate. Maybe she went back to the Homestead early to work with Clint for the rest of the day? Even as I thought it I knew there was no way she would be there. She was too mad.

I was almost at the Homestead when the bell rang signaling the end of lunch. Instead of going inside to look for her, I waited outside for Clint. Maybe he's seen her.

After waiting for almost ten minutes I saw Clint walking towards me. "Hey, Newt. What's up?" He asked very casually. He obviously didn't know that [Y/N] was gone. I just smiled and waved at him until he got a little closer. I didn't want anyone else knowing about [Y/N]'s disappearance until I knew for sure she wasn't in The Glade.

Once the Medjack was right in front of me I let my smile fade. I was going to be as serious about this as possible. "Have you seen [Y/N]?" You ask. Clint looks confused by your question. She must not have told him your name yet. "The new Greenie," you clarify for him.

"Oh, her. Sorry, she hasn't told me her name yet. But no. I haven't seen her since before the lunch bell rang. I was showing her different ways to bandage wounds and such if any of us got into a situation where there was no medical supplies when the bell rang. You know, she'll probably be a Medjack. She's really good and understands everything." Clint says to me. Your lunch feels like it's about to come back up at his words. If the person who's technically supposed to be in charge of her today hasn't seen her, then chances are no one has.

"You okay, there?" Clint asks. My face must look nauseated to him since he tells me to get inside the Homestead. I don't feel any better inside of the dark and slightly cooler building. I just need to know where she is. I have a compelling urge to protect her as best as I can. I have to calm down and tell Clint what happened.

"She's gone." I say vaguely. He looks at me with a puzzled expression. "I pissed her off during lunch break and she got up and left. I didn't see where she went, but I looked for her and I have a bad feeling about this," I explain, "I thought that maybe she was with you or something trying to get her mind off of things, but obviously not." His face looks contorted with fear. Oh, no. What the bloody hell am I supposed to tell Minho? He'll flip!

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