Chapter 5

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[Hey, guys! Just wanted to thank everyone who has read this! It means a lot to me. I know it's not gotten smutty yet, but be patient! It will, trust me. You guys are awesome!! Oh, and at this moment there WILL be a sequel!! I know exactly where I'm going with this and I think it will be pretty good. That is all. Now back to the fanfic!]

You take a deep breath as you stand in front of The Maze. Are you really about to do this? What if you get lost? But of course, you aren't thinking about what could happen. You just need to do something to relieve your anger.

One more deep breath and you begin sprinting. You make dozens of turns, but you memorize them all so you can get back to The Glade with no difficulties. After what feels like thirty minutes of nothing but sprinting, you slow to a walk. Most of your anger has vanished now. You felt like you had control of your emotions and mind again. Until you realize what you had just done.

Oh shit! You think. What have I just done? How am I supposed to get out, now? No one knows that I'm here or where I am in here. Do I even know how to get out? I'm not about to stay in here and die. You think to yourself. Your mind was racing a million miles a minute. You begin panicking, but instead of turning back, you feel something tugging at your mind that makes you run even further into The Maze.

You stop abruptly when you here a blood curdling scream. It was a boy's scream. What the hell happened? You begin sprinting again towards the boy's voice. You make two more left turns and a right before you find two figures ahead of you. You can't make out who it is, but you can plainly see one of the boys dragging the other towards you with his back turned. You run towards them.

"Hey!" You yell to them once you get a little closer. The boy who's dragging the other turns towards you and stops. You get closer to the two and realize that it's Minho and Thomas. Finally, you reach them and see that it's Thomas who's hurt. "What happened to him?" You ask in horror. You see blood streaming from Thomas' nose and a huge gash on his forehead. The pants he was wearing has holes in them and his legs were scraped up pretty badly.

"I-it was a Griever. The shucking thing came out at us in the middle of the day! We had been running from it for about an hour until it lunged at Thomas and he tripped and fell. He hit his head pretty hard. His nose and head have been bleeding for a while now. Once Thomas fell, the thing ran in another direction. I've been dragging Thomas around ever since." A tear escaped Minho's eye as he told you what happened. "He won't wake up." He whispered. You felt so sorry for him. And then you remembered what Clint taught you today.

"Take your shirt off." You demanded. He gave you an odd look and didn't move. "As much as I want to see you without a shirt again, this isn't for my own pleasure. I worked with the Medjacks today and Clint showed me how to bandage up wounds when there weren't any medical supplies. So, if you want to help Thomas, then do it." This time, Minho obeyed. He quickly took his shirt off to reveal that he was also wearing a thin shirt underneath a thicker shirt.

He handed you the shirt and you quickly set to work ripping the fabric into strips. The main thing that needed to be done was to get the blood flow to at least slow. Gently and carefully, you wiped some of the blood from his nose first. Most of the blood was still fresh and bleeding freely. Even though you've only been working with the Medjacks for half a day, you know that the blood should have clotted a little more than this by now.

"How long has he been bleeding?" You ask.

"Umm, if I had to guess, probably about thirty minutes. Maybe a little more." This is bad and you know it. But since you don't want to freak Minho out any more than he already obviously is, you decide to keep a positive outlook and not tell him anything. Instead, you use another strip of the shirt and dab Thomas' head wound. The cut is deep, he must've cut his head on sharp rock. You use the shirt to wrap around his head. It looks like he's wearing a bandana. Then you rip a clean strip and wrap it around his head just under his nose. Since you can't stuff little pieces of the shirt into his nose, you decide that the best thing to do is to wrap it just under his nose. Next, his knees. They're scraped up pretty bad, but the blood has already dried on them, so there wasn't much you needed to do.

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