Chapter 7

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Minho's P.O.V.

I stood there at the Homestead for what felt like forever while Alby interrogated me. He doesn't really believe mine or Newt's story about what happened. That shank is really pissing me off now. "Look," I yelled, "[Y/N] came into The Maze all on her own. We didn't plan this and Newt definitely isn't covering up for her. Do you see him? Do you shucking see him right now? He might just feel worse than I do right now!" I yelled at our leader. Alby just glared at me, but I refused to back down. There was no way I would be banished over something I never did.

"Once she wakes up, I'm asking her what happened. I know you and Newt are good friends and would keep secrets, but her? If someone abused her, I doubt she'd keep that a secret. I mean, did you see her wrists? What he shuck did you do to her, Minho? I want to think you didn't do anything, but after last night? I don't believe it. You just met her yesterday! You two can't have a relationship when you don't know anything about each other! You're both tearing this place apart with your selfish needs!" He shot right back. I was seething at his accusations towards me, but even more so at her.

"She's hurt and could die! And all you care about is the new rule! Alby, get ahold of yourself! Two of our Gladers could die! And you don't even care. Fine, wait until she wakes up. Go ahead. Ask her. Shuck, ask Thomas if you have to! But he was already unconscious by the time [Y/N] got to us. I'm leaving." I announced. I couldn't stand this any longer. Alby was getting on my very last nerve and I almost broke a rule: Never hurt another Glader.

I left him standing there with Newt. His expression was a mix of hatred and shock. Why wouldn't he believe me? What is up with him? I looked back and saw Alby shouting at Newt, probably about everything that happened. Why was he just standing there? Why wasn't he defending himself?

As I walked through The Glade towards the Map Room I saw everyone staring at me. No doubt they thought I took advantage of her. They make me sick. Why can't they just leave me alone? Why doesn't anyone believe me? I guess I should probably just sleep in the Map Room tonight. I don't need anyone asking more ridiculous questions.

Once I enter the Map Room my stomach starts growling. There was no way I would go back out there even if Frypan was still serving food. I guess I'll just be going hungry tonight.

My legs and arms are aching terribly. Thanks Thomas, you ugly shank. I think to myself as I make a small bed from the Runner clothes in here. The ground is so hard since the Builders decided that the floor would be wood. I'll have to have a talk with Gally about that some other time.

I drift off into a deep sleep faster than I thought I would.


"Minho, where are you?" I hear a voice ask. I can't identify it with anyone I know. It sounds strange. My eyes are closed and I can't seem to open them. I can't move my body either. What the shuck is going on? "Answer me, Minho." There's that voice again. It sounds like a girl's voice. But at the same time it sounds so strange.

After a few minutes of willing my eyes open, they obey. I immediately wish I hadn't opened them. I'm standing up with my body strapped to some table. I'm surrounded by glass with people all around watching me. I still can't open my mouth.

"Minho, do you know where you are?" That same shucking voice. I look around and see that it is a girl who spoke. It just sounds distorted - probably because of the glass in between us. I can't open my mouth, but I can shake my head. The girl looks familiar. No older than I am and dressed in a crisp white lab coat with lips as red as blood. They're almost too red to be real. I scan her face and see that both eyes are solid black - pupil and iris both.

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