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Hey, guys! So this is like the first time I've been on Wattpad in literally forever. I checked how many people have at least started to read this fic and I am ASTOUNDED by so many people giving this fic their time!! I really did and still do believe it's incredibly sloppy and not very smooth, but thank you so much for reading it!

Also, I have decided that since I know for sure that I will not be continuing this at all, why not let anyone who wants to, finish it? So if anyone really has a great idea for how to end it or continue it, please go right ahead! I don't have the heart to delete it, since this was my very first thing I published, but I don't have any inspiration to continue it. No one needs to message me or anything like that asking for my permission, I just think it'll be fun to see what people come up with if they decide to finish it. Anyone is welcome to message me and ask where I was going with this (I'm honestly surprised I still remember, actually). But yeah, have fun with it if you want! I don't need any credit or anything.

Also: I have somewhat started a new story recently that I'm feeling confident with. The chapters are really short, but if I decide to keep it up, I'm hoping it'll turn out alright. So go read it if you want. It's not any type of fanfic (unless you ship me and my boyfriend...). But yeah, you should go check it out if you want.

Thanks for reading, everyone! :)

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