Chapter 9

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[Hey, guys! Hope you've seen the previous couple of pages because once you read this chapter you can start writing and sending me summaries!! If I don't get any (which I hope I will) then I will just continue the fanfic as regular chapters with my own vision as to how it goes. Please, remember the rules as to what you should and should not include/do. I really don't want to disqualify anyone over any of that! Love you guys and thanks so much for my fanfic getting over 200 views overall! CAUTION: Smut ahead, and not like you might think. You have been warned.]

Your P.O.V. (I guess it's somewhat third person maybe...?)

You've been asleep for eight days now since Alby came into your room. It's actually pretty surprising that he was able to knock you out for so long. You still remembered what happened. Oh, no, you weren't lucky enough to forget the things he said, the things he did.

Once you awoke, Jeff went to tell Alby and the others. You cringed when you thought about Alby coming to talk to you again. Surely the same thing wouldn't happen, right? Maybe he'll have calmed down now. That night was pretty hectic, he was probably just stressed out and needed some relief. Yeah, that's what it was. Everything will be okay this time.

You lied in the makeshift bed and waited for the boys to come in to see you. There was only one you actually needed to see. Minho. You missed him so shucking much. Now that you've awoken, you feel like you've known the boy so much longer than two days. How is that even possible?

A knock at the door stops your thought of the Asian boy. You can't say anything, your throat is completely dry and hurts. The mystery person enters a few minutes later. Your mind begins racing with fear. Alby.

"Hey, [Y/N]. I see you're awake now," he said with a certain gentleness in his tone. First he touches you and punches you, then he's all nice? This can't be good. Since you can't talk, you only nod your head. "Throat too dry to talk?" He asks. Timidly, you nod your head once more. You don't like what he's getting at here. "I'll send Clint to get you some water once I leave." He says. You nod once more.

A very uncomfortable silence filled the area while Alby just stood near the door and stared at you. Was he planning something? You didn't know. You were afraid of him since you knew what he could do.

"Do you mind if I lie down beside of you?" He asks. Your heart speeds up in alarm. You make the mistake of shaking your head "no". Suddenly, Alby is directly on top of you. You screw your eyes shut, not wanting to look at him. He pins your wrists onto the uncomfortable bed. You already know what's going to happen.

"Look me in the eyes," he commands and you open your eyes. Your heart is racing as you think of everything that might happen. You want to scream for help, but your throat is so sore and dry. You have no voice.

You don't even try to struggle against him. He might knock you out again if you try. "Good girl," he whispers, "now I'm going to do this quick since someone could come up here any minute. If you make a single noise without me telling you to do so I'll hit you hard. Got it?" He says. You're so terrified of him. You nod in agreement that you fully understand.

Alby quickly gets off of you and takes his shirt and pants off, revealing only his boxers. Your eyes catch the growing bulge behind the thin fabric. You look back up to him and see him walking towards you quickly.

"Take your clothes off," he orders you. Without complaint you take off your shirt, bra, and underwear since you weren't wearing any pants. There was only the thin blanket covering your bare skin. Please, oh please make it quick! You think to yourself as he gets back on top of you.

Suddenly, his lips crash into yours. You don't even make an effort to kiss back, just let him do whatever he wants. He kisses your neck in various spots, but is careful not to leave any marks. You just lie there limp while biting your lower lip to keep from crying. This is so degrading and disgusting. It's awful.

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