Chapter 8

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Thomas' P.O.V.

"I know you know something!" Alby shouted at me as soon as I awoke. Why is he shucking yelling at me? I don't even know what he's talking about. Those were the first words he said to me as soon as I woke up. Didn't even give me a second to ask what happened to me. That slinthead.

I looked at him innocently and very confused. It's not like I was hiding something, but apparently he thought I was. If I wasn't hurting so bad I might've walked over across the room where he was sitting and slapped some since into the guy. What's gotten into him?

"Tell me, and I'll leave you alone," Alby said with his voice getting slightly quieter. I'm not sure if I was more furious at him for yelling at me or if I was more afraid of his yelling.

"I don't know a shucking thing, shuck face!" I yell back at him. Oh, so it's a yelling war now? Bring it on. "The last thing I remember is running from a damn Griever." I state. I could see his face in the dim light of the five candles in the room where we were in. He didn't look like himself. He was usually so calm and so nice towards me in the year that I've been here. What on Earth happened to him?

"Yes you do!" He insisted, almost snarling. I was actually expecting him to start foaming at the mouth. At this, I smiled and giggled a little. "What the shuck are you grinning about, Thomas? I knew it! I knew you know something. Now tell me what the hell went on in that Maze between [Y/N] and Minho," he screamed. What's it going to take to get him to stop?

"Look, I swear to the shucking Creators that I don't know a damn thing! Ask for a lie detector to be sent up in The Box if you don't believe me!" I yell. My blood pressure was rising and I could feel my face burning. I was absolutely boiling with anger. If he doesn't stop this interrogation soon, I'm going to have to get one of the Medjacks and tell them I'm not feeling well just so they'll make Alby leave.

"Can't you just cooperate for once, Thomas? Just one time, please," he says in a much gentler tone. How could he go from being so angry to so gentle in a second? The word "bipolar" pops into my brain, but I have no idea what it means.

"I don't even know what you're talking about," I reply, no longer shouting. I look him in the eyes so he knows I'm telling the truth. "Just explain to me what you think happened." I say. He's still looking at me. His eyes don't look right for some reason. But I can't understand why.

Reluctantly, Alby looks away from me and explains what he thought happened. "So wait," I begin, "you're saying that you made a rule to banish anyone who tries to have a relationship with [Y/N] and you think something happened between her and Minho inside The Maze?" I ask. Alby only nods his head. "Then why don't you go ask her yourself?" I inquire. Something is definitely off about him. I just can't place it.

"She isn't awake," he replies.

"Well I hear muffled talking coming from the room beside me, so maybe she is." I say. My head is resting against the thin wall and I can distinctly hear the only female's voice talking to Jeff. I guess she just woke up since no one has alerted Alby about this. Alby must hear the voices, too because he leaves without a word.

I can't help but eavesdrop on his and [Y/N]'s conversation, so I move my head so my ear is against the wooden wall. I can't really make out what they're saying, but Alby's voice is getting louder and louder. I want to get out of this room and make sure everything's okay, but my sides and back hurt too much for me to move my body. I can hardly stay in this sitting position as it is.

"Shut up!" Those are the only two words I hear clearly. And they came from Alby. Then everything went silent. [Y/N] didn't reply unless she whispered. I feel my blood begin to boil again. What happened?

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