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"Christine, come with me so we can get your sister's things packed." Madame Giry said as she led Christine out of the room leaving Evangeline and their father.

"Father, I don't want you to die. I don't want to be without you. I'll feel alone." Evangeline cried bitterly in her father's arms.

"My dear angel. You won't be alone. You'll have your sister and Madame Giry to stay with you and protect you." Gustave said softly

"But your music makes me feel alive papa. How am I to live without your music?" Evangeline asked

"I will send you an angel of music to continue in my place with your teachings. You have an amazing voice that should be shared. The angel will guard and guide you through music. When the angel comes to you, it'll be like I came to be with you again." Gustave explained

"Will sissy have an angel to teach her dance in mother's place?" Evangeline asked

"Her angel is Madame Giry. She is an excellent ballet teacher and will make sure your sister shines with you. Now, dry those tears my angel of music. You are going to need to be strong when I am gone. I wish I could have more time with you, but I'm afraid I must go soon." Gustave whispered

Evangeline cried once more in her father's arms. Christine soon joined them in their last family hug, while Madame Giry stood next to them.

"Christine, you need to take care of your sister, and you must never leave each other's side. I love you both very much." Gustave whispered

"We love you to papa." they both said

"I promise to take care of sister," Christine promised

"I also promise that the girls will be looked after. You needn't worry dear friend." Madame Giry said

"I know you will treat them like your own Antoinette," Gustave said as he drew his last breath.

The girls wept in Madame Giry's arms, knowing they would never hear their father's voice again. Madame Giry also let a few tears fall as she lost a dear old friend. She vowed she would take care of the girls until her last breath. She would treat them as her own.

"Come girls. We can visit his grave whenever you need. But we must get going. It's going to be a long carriage ride." Madame Giry explained.

The coachmen help the girls with their trunks and Christine helped her little sister into the carriage. Evangeline was so tired from crying that she immediately fell asleep as soon as the carriage started moving. Christine held her sister in a tight embrace while wrapping a blanket around the small child. Madame Giry watched as Christine held her sister. She wanted the girls to have a good life while growing up.

"Do not grow up to fast child. You vowed to look after your sister but you must remember that you are also a child. I will aid in helping you both grow up, but I don't want you growing up too fast."

"Yes, Madame Giry. Father said you are a ballet teacher. Are you going to teach us ballet?" Christine asked

"I am. However, your father has told me that your sister has a very beautiful and strong voice." Madame Giry said

"It's the most prettiest voice I've heard other from mother and father singing to us," Christine explained

"Well, then I will find her a vocal teacher to continue teaching her and maybe you both can perform on stage together as Prima Ballerina and Prima Donna."

The rest of the carriage ride was in silence as Christine joined her sister in slumber and Madame Giry watching over the two girls. Such a young age to lose their father. With Evangeline losing her mother at one year old, and now her father at 5. She's too young to know such sorrow as is her sister. Madame Giry noted how strong Christine was being for them both. Such young, pure-hearted girls losing both parents in the beginning stages of their lives is horrible.

As they neared the Populaire, Madame Giry woke the girls from their slumber and told them of their new home. Christine helped her tired sister out of the carriage as Madame Giry grabbed the girl's things. She led the two into the Populaire and headed toward their rooms. Madame Giry gathered that the sisters would want to stay with each other for a while, then when they grow up they can be moved into the rooms that are connected by a door, so they can have their privacy or alone time should they want.

Placing the girl's trunks under their beds, Madame Giry tucked the girls in. Christine was blessed with being able to fall asleep quickly and stay asleep no matter what noises are made around her, so Christine was asleep as soon as her head hit the pillow. Madame Giry walked over to Evangeline to tuck her in. Evangeline was not so lucky with falling asleep quickly. Even more so with her sorrow.

"Madame?" Evangeline asked

"Yes, my dear?"

"Is there a chapel in the Populaire?" Evangeline asked

"There is. Why do you ask child?"

"I would like to go light a candle for my father," Evangeline explained

Madame Giry had a sad smile on her face. She nodded her head and led the tiny girl to the chapel. Evangeline was able to remember all the turns so she bid Madame Giry goodnight when she reached the chapel. Madame Giry said goodnight to the girl and let the child have some privacy.

Evangeline placed a picture of her father in front of an un-claimed candle and lit the match. The tiny flame moved to the candle wick and burned brightly. Placing the blown-out match, Evangeline could feel the tears fall down her face and she stared at her father's picture.

Father, you spoke of an angel

Here I am waiting for him

Now that I sing out to you

And he's still not here

I am your Angel of Music

Come to your Angel of Music

A voice sang back. The voice was so gentle and calming that Evangeline felt no danger with the mysterious voice singing to her from the shadows.

Angel of Music

Guide and Guardian

Grant to me your glory

"Are you the Angel of music my father promised he would send to me?" Evangeline asked

"I am your Angel of Music. I was instructed by your father to teach you to sing to your fullest. I will watch over and protect you, and when you're old enough, you're talent will be known all over the world." the mysterious voice replied

"I wish my father was here to see that his promise of an angel has come true." Evangeline said sadly

"My angel, do not cry. Your father knows I have come and he is happy. I swear that I will protect you with my life. Should you ever feel alone in this world, I will always be with you." the voice explained

"Please never leave me, my angel. I would be truly lost if you did." Evangeline cried

"What is your name my Angel of Music?" the voice asked


"Evangeline" the voice whispered

Soon a soft melody started to fill the chapel. It was so calming that the tears stopped falling as Evangeline just sat there listening to the music, letting it fill her spirits.

"Will you sing to me, Angel?" Evangeline asked

"Of course." the voice replied and soon his soft voice filled the room. Evangeline's eyes grew heavy as she lay down listening to the music and falling into a deep slumber.

Once the mysterious voice knew she was sound asleep, the stained glass mural opened revealing a figure. This figure walked over to the child and picked her up to take her to her bed. The figure held the child protectively in his arms and he hummed to the child, a new song he was making. Reaching her bed, he tucked the child in and quickly got work on the room where she would be moved into when she was older.

Suddenly filled with inspiration with his Angel of Music, the figure got to work on making new passageways to his home with one in his angel's future room. Once the passageways were done, he got to writing new music and developing plans for his Angel to soar with his music and her future career.

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