Seal My Fate

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Erik's POV

Seal my fate tonight

I hate to have to cut

The fun short

But the jokes

Wearing thin

Let the audience in

Let my opera begin!

I watch as the candle ignites the figurine stage. I am almost ready for my opera. I know my Angel told me not to come, but how could I not give my regards to those fools. They have denied me for the last time. And to think that they came up with a plan to kill me. Idiots. Thanks to my fiancé, I have a plan to escape, alive. I know my Angel told me not to show up, but I wrote this play for her. How could I pass up the opportunity to perform this with her. Our passion for each other will make the crowds burn. In case my plan does not go how I want, there are always backups. I must get everything into place.

Evangeline's POV

Dressed in my costume, and putting the final touches of my makeup on, the fear I have for this performance grows. Of course, my sister isn't helping with her nonstop bantering.

"Eve, please, you have to talk to me. I'm worried for you. Raoul and I just want what is best for you." Christine said.

"I don't want to hear what you and Raoul think is best for me. If you actually cared about me and knew what was best, you would leave him alone and let me live my life. I'm an adult for heaven's sake!" I yelled.

Her face said it all. I hurt her. I told her she didn't care about me. I could see the tears building up in her eyes. Now I feel like I'm the bad guy. With a heavy sigh, I look away from my mirror and look my sister in the eyes.

"I'm sorry, that was too far and unfair to you. You practically raised me when father died. You were there for me when I had troubles. You helped me up when I would fall during ballet practice. Even when you were so tired and sore, you always made sure that I understood what Madame Giry taught us. You made sure I ate the food I needed to grow strong. You would sing me mother and father's lullaby when I couldn't sleep.

It was wrong of me to say that you didn't care about me. Obviously, you do. If you didn't, you would have probably shipped me off to who knows where. I understand that you and Raoul want me to be happy. He makes me happy. I tried asking you to try and steer Raoul away from this crazy plan. You barely tried. Yes, he didn't give you the chance to really speak, but if he loves you like he says he does, then he would've at least listened to what you had to say." I explain.

"How did you know that?" Christine asked.

"I heard and saw everything. When I came back, you went to go get food for me. I waited till you left and I wandered around. I came to the hallway you all were in and I heard everything. You should've tried harder. I wish you tried harder. Then maybe this whole night would've been filled with joy and fun for me." I said.

Not even giving my sister a chance to speak, I left. I wanted to be alone. So I walked around the halls, watching as people scrambled to get the last finishing touches ready for the play. I head to the stage and I watch as Mousier Reyer passes out the music sheets to the orchestra and the decorators hang the silk linins from the banisters from the bridge bringing a shape to the stage. Sighing, I turn away and walk through the halls and stairwells and find myself in front of Box 5. Going in, there is one chair sitting in the middle. Walking over to it, I find a rose placed on top of a letter. Picking both items up, I recognize the writings. My Angel.

My Angel, I see you are worrying about the play tonight. Place the rose in your hair and it shall give you peace by thinking of me. I will always be with you, even if I am not physically in front of you. I know you will do spectacularly tonight. My love, after this performance, run away with me. We will get married and live our lives in music. I love you.

Your Angel of Music

Smiling, I place the rose in my hair, pinning one side of my hair. I hold the note tightly to my chest and make my way back to my room to place this new note with the box of others I have stashed. No one has ever found them. They are my secrets between my Angel and I. All the years I've known him, gathered in a small box, with ink etched into the many pages. Christine indeed raised me growing up, but he was there in the shadows, doing as much as her, maybe even a bit more.

I glance down at my hand, looking at the beautiful ring my Angel gave me. I can't wait till we are married. I can't wait to spend the rest of our lives in music. Maybe one day, when people have forgotten the Phantom of the Opera, we could come visit this place and maybe even perform together. It's a pity that we never got the chance now. I've always dreamt of what it would be like to perform with him on stage. But that's not going to happen now. Raoul has police surrounding this place. I just hope that Erik stays away. Maybe after the play, I could call out to him in the mirror and we could slip away in secret. Then no one has to get hurt, and I won't have to see the tears and disappointment Raoul and Christine will give me. They already look at me differently.

Reaching my room, I shut the door and lock it once more. .Walking over to my bed, I kneel and find the floorboard with the hole in it. Once I find it, I pull the board away and lift the box up out of the darkness. Removing the lid, letters from over the many years almost spill out. They still smell like him. Parchment and rose. Placing the new letter inside, I replaced everything with how it looked before. Suddenly there is a knock on my door.

"Ms. Daae, you are on in 10 minutes." A manager said.

"Thank you." I reply.

Mentally preparing myself, I unlock the door and I pray the show will be over quickly.

Erik's POV

Once I saw my Angel leave, I came out from behind the mirror. Dressed in my costume for tonight, everything has been set up for tonight. Whether it ends how I want or not. Walking over to my Angel's bed, I quickly find the board that she thinks is so hidden. Moving the board out of my way, I grab the box that has so much love and memories it in. Should everything not go as planned, I would not want this treasure of hers to be ruined. The dresses, shoes, makeup, and accessories I could replace, but the words, memories, and feelings these letters have, I cannot replace. I quickly place the board back in place, and make one last visit to my home to safely store this box.

Let my opera begin...

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