We Have All Been Blind

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"Evangeline!" I am startled awake by my frantic sister who jumped on me. "What did he do? Where did he take you? Why did you go out alone?"

"Good morning to you too," I mumbled

"This is not the time to be funny. Raoul and I searched for you. We went to Father's grave. We saw the roses you left but you weren't there. Where did he take you?" Christine asked

"I wanted to be alone for a while. I love you and Raoul but you both have been impossible to deal with this week. The constant worry is driving me insane. I can't go anywhere in the place without someone having to babysit me. I'm sorry if I worried you, but I wanted time to myself. I also needed guidance so I went to Father's grave." I explained

"I didn't know you felt this way. We only want to protect you. What happened at the masquerade scared me. This man who we all thought was a ghost suddenly appears and claims that you belong to him... What am I supposed to think about that?" Christine asked

I'm torn. I want to tell my sister everything, but I worry that she'll tell Raoul and then everything will be a big mess.

"I know you're worried. But I am not a child anymore. I can take care of myself. And I promise that he hasn't hurt me and he will never hurt me. Please talk to Raoul and tell him to drop this matter." I plead

"I will try and speak to him. I don't know if he'll listen, but I promise I will try. Now, stay here and rest, I am going to go get you food. " Christine says.

Once she leaves, I wait a few minutes to make sure she has fully gone, then I get dressed and tame my curls. Once I am presentable, I quickly sneak out of my room. They can't tell me what to do. I'm not a child anymore. If I want to be with Erik, they can't do anything about it.

Going through the hallways, I see everyone rushing around to get props, backdrops, costumes, and music ready for the show at the end of the week. They all know Erik isn't a ghost anymore but they have seen what he can do so they are afraid to mess up. I pity them. It's not their fault things are a mess, it's the people who keep meddling in Erik's plans and ruining his opera. If the Managers had done what Erik wanted the first time, I don't think we would be in this mess right now. And Raoul, yes he is like a big brother to me, but he needs to start thinking about what I want, not what he wants for me.

I wish father was here to guide me. He would know what to do. Continuing with my walk, I spot Christine with a bowl in her hand heading to my room.

'Well, she is going to freak out when she sees that I'm not in my room. I don't care though, that room felt like it was trying to suffocate me.'

I quickly make a left turn to avoid her. This turn brought me into a different hallway. Of course, this hallway has people that I want to avoid as well. Raoul and the Managers are at the front with Madame Giry, Meg, Carlotta, Piangi, and their maids behind them all listening to what Raoul is saying. I quickly hide behind a pillar to stay out of sight but listen.

italics- Andre bold- Raoul underline- Firmin combined- all

Raoul had gathered everyone together after he and Christine couldn't find Evangeline.

We have all been blind

And yet the answer is

Staring us in the face

This could be the chance

To ensnare our clever friend

We're listening (go on)

We shall play his game

Perform his work but

Remember we hold

The ace

For if Miss Daae sings

He is certain to attend

We are certain the

Doors are barred

We are certain the

Police are there

We are certain

They're armed

The curtain falls

His reign will end!

While everyone disperses to get things done and ready for tonight, Christine comes running up to Raoul.

"Raoul, Evangeline is back," Christine said.

"Is she harmed in any way?" Raoul asked

"Not a scratch. I found her sleeping in her bed. There was no note and nothing was out of place." Christine responded. "But I went to get her food and told her to stay put, but when I returned she was gone!" Christine cried.

"I will help you find her. Once we do, we will never leave her side. Someone must always guard her." Raoul said.

"I fear your plan will only drive her away. Is there any way we can find him and talk things out with him and make him leave her alone?" Christine asked.

"For her to be happy, that monster needs to go. He's been tormenting this Opera House and the people working here for far too long. He overstepped the boundary when he decided to go after Evangeline." Raoul said

Raoul took a few deep breaths. This plan has to work. He loves Evangeline like a sister and would do anything to protect her. She has merely been blinded by this fantasy this man has made her believe. After tonight, everyone will be free from this monster.

"Let's go find Evangeline and tell her that she is going to perform and go along with our plan." Raoul said. And they left to go find her.


I apologize for not posting anything yesterday. My cold had gotten worse yesterday, but I am feeling much better today, so the chapters should be coming more, but I still need rest to fully beat the cold.

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