The Phantom of the Opera

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Bold- Phantom Italics- Evangeline Bold/italics- both

Insolent boy!

This slave of fashion

Basking in your glory!

Ignorant fool!

This brave young suitor

Sharing in my triumph

'He sounds angry... Was it because of Raoul? No matter, I have to calm him.' I thought

Angel, I hear you

Speak, I listen

Stay by my side, guide me

Angel, my soul was weak

Forgive me

Enter at last, master

Flattering child

You shall know me

See why in shadow I hide

Look at your face in the mirror

I am there inside!

Hypnotized, I follow his order, and I look in the mirror. My heart starts racing and my breath quickens. My Angel of Music is in my mirror! My Angel is a man...

Angel of Music

Guide and Guardian

Grant to me your glory

Angel of Music

Hide no longer

Come to me, strange angel

Following his voice in a trance, I walk towards the mirror to meet my Angel. He's all that I'm thinking of. My mind is filled with nothing but him.

I am your Angel of Music

Come to me: Angel of Music


I faintly hear Raoul and my sister calling for me... Almost gone from the trance I turn my head to the doors and almost went to them.

I am your Angel of Music

Come to me: Angel of Music

His voice puts me back in the trance, I look back at him and his hand is out to me. Slowly raising my hand, I pause uncertainly. I look into his eyes, and they were almost pleading for me to take his hand. Staring into his eyes, I place my hand in his. His leather glove is warm. He shares that warmth with my hand when he wraps his fingers softly around mine, guiding me into the mirror.

The hallway is light with candles with beautiful gold arms holding them. He keeps looking back at me like he's wondering if I'm still with him. Music starts playing in my mind, and I start singing to my Angel.

In sleep, he sang to me, in dreams he came

That voice which calls to me and speaks my name

And do I dream again, for now, I find

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside my mind

I sang while he leads me down a spiral staircase. His torch was our only source of light now. We come across an open hallway with a beautiful black horse at the end, waiting for us. I turn my head to see how far we've walked from the Populaire.

Sing once again with me our strange duet

My power over you grows stronger yet

And though you turn from me to glance behind

The Phantom of the Opera is there

Inside your mind

As we neared the horse, I dropped his hand to pet him. He was so sweet. I look back at my Angel and he's smiling at me.

"What's his name?" I ask softly

"Caesar." Phantom replies

"He is beautiful... But I'm afraid, I haven't ridden since I was 4." I said with my voice shaky

"I will be right here to make sure you don't fall." Angel says

He leads me over to the saddle and places his hands around my waist to help me up. He placed me side saddle which was scary to do. His thumb did tiny circles on my hand to help calm me down, which it did thankfully. While he lead the horse, he hummed the tune he would always sing me to sleep with. As we got to the end of this hallway, we were met by a tiny boat on the water.

'I didn't know there was water under the Opera House.' I thought to myself

My angel stopped and grabbed my waist again, gently, and helped me off the horse.He leads me towards the boat again. The boat rocked when I placed my foot in, and I stumbled backward into his chest. He wrapped his arms around me to stabilize me. Thank God he can't see my face turning red. His chest felt safe and warm. He helped me into the boat and started rowing us when I sat down. There was a burning sensation from where his hands touched my waist and my hands. Music played in my mind again, and I felt our duet should continue. I love singing with him.

Those who have seen your face

Draw back in fear

I am the mask you wear

It's me, they hear

Your (my) spirit and my (your) voice

In one combined

The Phantom of the Opera is there (here)

Inside my (your) mind

As we get closer to a gate, I start my harmonizing warms-ups he first taught me. Once we get close enough to the gate, it lifts, showing thousands of candles everywhere, and candles coming from out of the water to guide our path. Magic.

He's there, The Phantom of the Opera


Sing, my Angel of music!


Sing, my Angel!


Sing for me!




Sing, my Angel!



Sing for me!


My voice reached a new pitch than it ever had before. Panting from singing, my Angel steps out of the boat and flips the cape to the ground. He walks up the stairs as he sings.

I have brought you

To the seat of sweet music's throne

To this kingdom

Where all must pay homage to music


You have come here

For one purpose and one alone

Since the moment I first heard you sing

I have needed you with me

To serve me, to sing

For my music

My Music

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