I Remember There Was Mist

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Evangeline's Dream

"Papa!" I yelled

"Evangeline! You were beautiful up there. Your mother and I are so proud of you!" Father said

"It was the Angel of Music who helped me with my voice Papa. The Angel you sent me has come!" I gleaned

"My dear, you must run!" My father yelled.

I turned to look at the stage and saw the chandelier had fallen and started a fire. There was chaos everywhere. I turned back to my parents who were gone. I frantically looked for Christine and Meg to make sure they were alright. People were pushing each other out of the way to get out of the burning building. I'm sprinting down the hallways looking for any sign of my sister. Coming upon the entrance, it too was engulfed in flames. I saw my sister and Meg on the ground, dead. They were trampled on by people who wanted out. Screams filled my ears. Tears burned down my face. My family was truly gone. Above me, the ceiling gave out from being burned by the fire and tumbled down towards me.

End of dream

I jumped awake, panting from the nightmare I just had. Tears fell from my eyes as I recalled the events. Suddenly, the soft music I'd always hear from my Angel started playing. I looked beside me to find a wall of black lace surrounding me. I pull the rope and it lifts, revealing a monkey playing the symbols.

'So that's what the melody was.'

Looking around the room, I am not in the Prima Donna room. Memories from last night flashed through my eyes, and I recalled that my Angel of Music was a man, who wore a mask. Father always said to never judge people's outward appearances. It's what's on the inside that matters. Standing up from the comfortable bed, I stretch my muscles that were tensed up while I was having the nightmare. Could the events of last night be true? I must explore this place.

I remember there was mist

Swirling mist upon a vast glassy lake

There were candles all around

And on that lake, there was a boat

And in the boat, there was a man

Looking out towards the boat, the lake, and the candles, there is a man at the piano. He wears the mask that I saw last night. He must be my Angel of Music. I slowly make my way toward the man to get a better look at him.

Who was that shape in the shadows?

Whose is the face in the mask?

"My darling Delilah. My Angel of Music." he says

He gently grabs my hand and seats me beside him. His eyes are filled with love as they look upon me. As he gets a better look at my face, he frowns.

'Is there something on my face?' I think to myself

"My Angel, why are you so pale? Are you feeling well?" He asks while placing his other hand on my cheek.

"I had a horrible dream." I whisper

"Tell me about it." he says. After explaining what my dream was about, he embraces me in a comforting hug and rubs circles on my back. "It was only a dream. There is nothing to be afraid of."

I bury my head in his neck and hug him tighter. His embrace makes me feel safe.

"What is your name?" I ask

"It's Angel of Music, Phantom on the Opera, or Opera Ghost." He responds

I laugh quietly. "I meant your real name."

He seemed stunned. Like no one's ever asked what his name was.

"Erik." He says quietly

"Erik. I like that name." I say

"Promise me that you will never share my real name, my Angel."

"I promise, Erik."

He smiles at me and I can't help but to smile back.

"Why do you hide your face?" I ask

His whole body tenses, and now he is the pale one.

"Beneath this mask is a monster, who will frighten you if you gaze upon it." He says

"Father always said that it doesn't matter what's on the outside, it's what's on the inside that is beautiful. You are not a monster Erik. You are my Angel of Music. I will never shun you because of how you look." I explain

Erik thinks for a moment. After taking a couple of deep breaths, he closes his eyes and his hands slowly pull off his mask. He keeps his eyes closed while he places the mask on his lap. I don't scream. I don't run. I look at his face in wonder. I gently place my hand on his deformed cheek. He leans into my hand as tears fall from his eyes. Bringing up my other hand, I wipe the tears from his face. Erik opens his eyes and looks into mine. I smile at him.

"You're not a monster because of your face. Your face is beautiful." I say

Erik breaks down into tears and leans into me as I embrace him in a hug. He holds me tight as if he's afraid I'll disappear if he lets go. Once he gets his tears out, he leans back up, and I dry his tears.

"I would love for you to stay longer, but they will be missing you if you do not appear soon," Erik says

I don't want to go, but I know that he is right. Christine will get worried. Erik stands from the piano and places his mask back on his face. Reaching his hand out to me, I grab it, and we walk towards the boat. After helping me into the boat, we make our way back to the Prima Donna room. When I walk through the mirror, Erik says I have a couple more hours before the day starts if I wanted to get some more sleep. That is a wonderful idea.

"When will I see you again Angel?" I ask

"I will see you after tonight after the production is over. I know that you will be perfect as the countess." Erik says

After one last hug, Erik leaves and the mirror closes. I walk over to the bed and tuck myself under the covers, falling into a sleep filled with dreams of my Angel of Music.

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