Think Of Me

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I was put into this beautiful white gown and my hair curled and pinned back with beautiful diamond pins and simple but pretty makeup. Christine and Meg wanted to be with me but had to practice for the dance since they lost a chorus girl. Madame Giry has been with me this whole time which made me feel better.

A knock sounded and it was a producer saying I was on in five minutes. My hands were shaking and my legs felt like jelly. Madame Giry walked me to the stage while giving me words of comfort and confidence. I just had to remind myself that my Angel could be watching. The stakes were high, but I couldn't let him down. The curtain closed ending the scene before me and I was placed in the middle of the stage and the proper backdrops were behind me. I took a couple of breaths and the curtains rose again, giving me a proper view of the audience.

I was so nervous by looking at all the people but remembered my Angel and I started feeling better. The music started and I sang the first part with no problem. I had to let myself go to the music and let my voice soar.

We never said our love was evergreen

Or as unchanging as the sea

But if you can still remember

Stop and think of me

Think of all the things

We've shared and seen

Don't think about the way things have been

Think of me, think of me waking

Silent and resigned

Imagine me, trying too hard

To put you from my mind

Recall those days, look back on all those times

Think of all things we'll never do

There will never be a day

When I won't think of you

Can it be?

Can it be Evangeline?


Long ago, it seems so long ago

How young and innocent we were

They may not remember me

But I remember them

Flowers fade, the fruits of summer fade

They have their seasons, so do we

But please promise me that sometimes

You will think-

Ah-ah-ah, ah, ah, ah, aah

Ah-ah-ah, ah, ah, ah, aah

Ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah, ah

Aah-aah, ah-ah-aah

Ah-aah-of me!

Thunderous applause sounded throughout the audience. Flowers were being tossed at me. I couldn't help but smile. I had done it! I performed in front of an audience! I hope my Angel is proud of me. The curtains closed and I walked off stage to Christine and Meg. They embraced me and congratulated me. Those were cut short since they still had a couple of scenes to perform. I figured I would go down to the chapel to escape all this noise and to go pray to Father to let him know what I did.

Making my way down to the chapel, I kneel in Infront of my father's picture and strike the match to light the candle. I placed the blown-out match on the dish, and lower my head to pray to Father.

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