Down Once More

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Erik's pov

That insolent fop! How dare he and Christine ruin this precious moment my Angel and I were having. I watched as he fell to the ground, kind of hoping he would go over the side and fall to the stage. Then Christine would run to her lover and leave me alone with mine. But, some dreams are meant to remain what they are: a dream. However, he is stunned but remains on the bridge. 

Hearing people scream brought my attention to the police running about to get up here and take me away from my Angel. Or her away from me. Not going to happen. No one is taking her from me. I gaze back at my Angel. Tears run down her face. She looks guilty. Did she know they were going to do this? Did they brainwash her to tell me all of their plan but this? We'll just have to see. But, I will ask her when we are in private.

I draw my sword and rush over to her. I grab my Angel and bring her away from her sister, ignoring the pleas and questions. Bringing her back to the middle, I slash the red rope and kick the level. The doors under us open and we free fall. I could hear my Angel scream and hold tighter to me. Like I would let her get hurt. I keep my grip on her waist as we reach the cushions I placed to break our fall. 

I hope they enjoy their last gift from me. The chandelier falling. 

Snapping away from my thoughts, I toss the sword. My hand moves away from her waist to her hand. Grabbing the torch from the wall, we set off to our home. My Angel tries to get me to talk and slow down. She tries to reach out and grab onto things to stop us from moving, but I am stronger and pull her towards me every time.

Down once more

To the dungeon of 

My black despair 

Down we plunge to

The prison of my mind

Down that path into 

Darkness deep as hell

Reaching the boat, I pick her up and place her in the front. She's stopped trying to talk with me. Now she won't even look at me. Maybe she truly didn't know this part of their plan. Anger still burns in me from what that fop did. Apparently, I used that anger to row incredibly fast. We're already in the lair. Once the boat hits the shore, I grab my Angel's arm again and bring her over to the model of her wearing her wedding dress.

Hounded down by everyone

Met with hatred everywhere

No kind words from anyone

No compassion anywhere

Evangeline, why


My mouth is dry. My mind is foggy. What just happened? Does he think I had something to do with this? I can feel the tears stream down my face again. Why can't I find the words to say? He just sighs and turns away from me. 

I watch as he gently takes the wedding dress off of the replica model of me. He comes back over to me and places the gown in my hands. Before I can do anything, he walks away and heads to the water's edge, and watches the gate close, locking us in. 

I have no desire to try and argue. I take the dress into the room with the swan bed that he placed me in when I first was down here. I would give or do anything to go back to those times. Placing the costume on the bed, I get into the wedding dress. Glancing in the mirror, it's beautiful. Fits like a glove. 

Now that I have a couple of minutes to think about everything. I think Erik was too consumed by anger from what Raoul did, that he was too blinded and deaf to listen to me. I still love and want to marry him. But we need to talk things out before any of that happens. I head out of the room and back into the open area of the cave. He has moved away from the water but his back still facing me.

Have you gorged yourself at last 

In your lust for blood

Am I now to be prey 

To your lust for flesh

I sing to him. Once his gaze is upon me, I see the anger is not so present as it was before. 

That fate which condemns me

To wallow in blood

Has also denied me

The joys of the flesh

This face the infection 

Which poisons our love

"Erik, I love you for who you are. You are beautiful to me."

This face, which earned

A mother's fear and loathing

A mask, my first 

Unfeeling scrap of clothing

Pity comes too late

Turn around and face your fate

An eternity of this, before your eyes

Erik. How can I make you see that I truly love you for who you are? He placed the veil on my head and brought my hand up so he could kiss the ring he proposed with. I bring my hands to his face, to lift his gaze to my eyes.

This haunted face

Holds no horror for me now

Erik looks shocked at me.

"I love you. What hid behind the mask never bothered then, and it doesn't now. I still want to marry you." I say hoping I reach him. 

He turns away from my gaze towards the gate. He suddenly places his arms on my shoulders and turns back to me.


I think my dear

We have a guest

I turn to face the gate. 'Oh God.' I thought. 

"Christine, Raoul. what are you doing here?" I ask

Sir, this is indeed

An unparalleled delight

I had rather hoped

That you both would come

And now my wish comes true

You have truly made my night

Free her

Do what you like 

Only free her

Have you no pity

Your brother inlaw 

Makes a passionate plea

"Please, both of you stop! Listen to me!"

We love her

Does that mean nothing

We love her

Show some compassion

Only she showed 

Compassion to me

Evangeline, Evangeline

Let us see her

Be my guest, sir

I watch as Erik moves to the level beside me and flips it. The gate opens and he turns to see Raoul and Christine come into the lair. How am I going to get them to listen to me? Christine moved past Erik and rushed to me, embracing me. She asks if I'm hurt. I nod my head no. Erik goes over to Raoul. I have to do something before anything bad happens. I start looking around the lair.

Monsieur I bid you welcome

Did you think that I 

Would harm her

Why would I make her pay

For the sins which are yours


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