3 Years Later

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Hi! I know this seems very random, and for the most part, it is. I just wanted to do something that was unique, so I thought combining the spin-off show to the Lion King, and mixing it with Titanfall 2. I don't exactly know how this will turn out, and no I'm not abandoning my other books.



"And Now, I pronounce to you all, King Kion!" A female mandrill cried out in joy, her statement caused all the animals of the Tree to shout and cry in joy, all chanting "Long Live The King!" as loudly as they could. And there he stood, a young lion, not even 19 years old, covered in gold fur, a scar on his left eye and sporting a partially grown mane with paint on his forehead, standing next to his significant other, a beautiful brown lioness.







This story properly begins in the middle of the kingdom of The Tree of Life, 4 years have passed, as a quite young Lion, about 22 years old, stepped out of a ginormous tree in the center of the kingdom, yawning and stretching as he stared at sunrise, feeling the heat of it's rays hitting his full, Mohawk-shaped mane. This lion is Kion, the current king of the Tree Of Life, and the only known king to rule next to a Queen (Officially), in which, is currently sleeping inside the tree, she is Rani, granddaughter of the previous queen, Queen Jana. 

To the left of the tree, on a small grassy plane, rests a small group of lions, consisting of 2 males, and a female lion. The large male with a fully grown mane is Surak, son of Queen Janna and brother to former queen in training: Ananda, who has passed completed her journey on the circle of life. Baliyo, the younger, smaller lion, who's mane is practically done growing is Baliyo, grandson of Queen Janna, and brother to acting queen Rani. Nirmala is a female lioness, who sports a now blue flower behind her ear. Having no relation to the royal blood, except for being Surak's mate, this group of lions, including Rani is referred to as the Night Pride.

As Kion stands Infront of the tree, an egret flew up to him, landing at the base of his paws.

"Good Morning 'Your Highness'." the egret said in a humorous tone, Kion looked at the bird with a humored look of his own.

"Ono, stop that, you know I don't like being called 'Your Highness', especially by my friends." Kion replied, even thought he had been king for around 3 years, he still didn't like being called ' Your Highness' or 'King'.

"But that's besides the point, you have anything to report?" Kion asks, as Ono begins listing a few things for his morning report, nothing much consists of the report, mainly weather updates, herd status' and whatnot.

After a bit of Ono relaying information to Kion, a group of animals approached him and the egret, consisting of a cheetah, a honey badger, and a hippo. Known as the kings Pride,  they protect the Tree of Life during the day, while the Night Pride protect the Tree at night. "Morning Kion!" yells the honey badger, he is Bunga, the former bravest in the Pride Lands, and childhood best friends with Kion.

"Bunga! Don't yell, it's still early." The cheetah scolded the Badger, she is Fuli, the former fastest in the Pride Lands, and very good friends with Kion. The hippo just stands there, watching as his friends banter among themselves, smiling to himself, Beshte is his name and the former strongest of the Pride Lands.

"Are you all ready for our patrol?" Kion asks "And where's Agna?" He questions, Anga is an eagle, and the former keenest of sight in the Pride Lands, she is the second bird to be with the Kings Pride.

"I dunno, probably searching the skies for any threats." Fuli replies, and as if on cue, Anga comes flying in, very quickly might I add.

In a hurry, she quickly gives information to the king "Kion! Kion! I've spotted a group of Poachers, trying to get in from the North entrance!" She says.

Giving a signal, Kion and the Guard make their way North, hopping to catch the poachers off guard.

"C'mon, we gotta get through the pass quick if we want to avoid-" said one of the poachers, as he was cut off by a loud roar, emanating from the top of the boarder.

"Who are you?!" A second Poacher shouted, as the Pride stares down at the poachers.

Kion doesn't say anything, but he does propose 2 offers "We'll give you 2 options, you can either leave here without a scratch, or you can TRY to get into the Tree Of Life!" Shouted Kion.

"Oh! And what can you do, Cub?" Said a 3rd poacher, as 3 tigers emerge from behind a large tree. Sure, Kion may be around 21, but still, many animals use 'Cub' as either an insult, or a joke, I think you know what context it's being used in here.

As the Lion turn, the rest of the animals begin to charge at the boarder.

"Oh-hoho, you asked for it!" Bunga laughs

"With honor and pride!" Kion Shouts

"Kings Pride Provides!" The rest reply, while going to fight off the poachers.


The battle was short lived, Kion took on 2 of the leaders who were lions, Fuli and Bunga took down the 3rd lion, while Ono, Anga and Beshte took down the last 3, causing them to all skitter away from the Tree Of Life's boarders.

"AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAND STAY OUT!" Bunga shouted towards the fleeing poachers

"Good job guys, but the day just started, how about we properly start our patrol?" Kion asked, all of the pride agree, then they venture off to their regular patrol spots, helping any and all animals they come across.

So long as said animals don't try to take over the Tree Of Life.

Crossover Chronicles: Uphold The Mission (The Lion Guard x Titanfall 2)Where stories live. Discover now