The Titan And The Lion

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"Wh- What the heck!?" Kion exclaimed, quickly moving out the way as fallen debris move away from an entry way. Kion goes and carefully picks up the object, and finds a couple vines where he can tie all 3 of the objects he has found, and then considers his options "Well, there's still a lot of light, so I guess it couldn't hurt to venture onward." He thought "Plus, I still need to find a way back  up."

Kion's POV

'This. Place. Is. HUGE!' I thought to myself, and yes, it was large.

But it looked sorta, run-down. Everything was unkept and messy, vines grew everywhere, with holes in many of the walls and celling's.

I kept venturing further down, until I came across this, sculpture.

It looked a lot like the ones outside, only smaller. I approached the display out of curiosity, and quickly jumped back after this blue, animal? Appeared out of nowhere "This is log-341: Major Anderson speaking-" the thing started to say "The IMC found something alright, it could fold space and time-"

"Space and time?" I spoke aloud

"And they sure as hell didn't build it." The blue thing said "But they're restoring it, and whatever they're planning, it's most likely catastrophic." It finished, as it quickly whipped around and pointed something similar to what made that *POP* sound, towards me.

I jumped at the sudden action, and instinctively got into a defensive stance.

But it simply disappeared

"Well... That was, interesting."

3rd Person POV

Kion kept walking towards, where he think's an exit is, but he could'nt stop thinking about what he heard 'Folding space and time?" he asked himself 'Did this thing, bring me here?'

Kion kept walking, the thought of SpAcE aNd TiMe folding lingered in his mind.

He just kept walking, and walking, occasionally getting jump sacred by the ambient noises.

And he kept walking. Until he reached a large space.

It had many "open" spaces, that seemingly lead to the outside.

Which Kion quickly noticed that they didn't lead to the outside. for he just ran face-first into an invisible wall. He sat Infront of the glass, confused.

"Well, there goes that way." He says, disappointed.

But this disappointment quickly dissipated into curiosity. As he glared at the giant bodies he somehow didn't see before "Whoa. It's kinda shaped like Rafiki, or Makini." He says to himself.

He then looks at a hole, that is similar to the cylindrical-silver canister, that has been attached on the giant baboon, body, giant, thing.

He decided to climb the body, and put the glowing object in the hole "Maybe if I put the glowing thing inside, it'll lead to an exit!" He said excited.

But surprise, surprise, it didn't lead to an exit.

But it did lead to something incredible.

As Kion inserted the glowing thing into the socket, it moved and strightened itself out, so it was now vertical.


It didn't do anything.

"Well, that was underwhelm-ING!" Kion shouted, falling off the giant and landing on the ground, where he carefully backed up, readying his roar.

The giant's body lit up like the sun, it whirred to life, where it began to move.

It pushed itself off the rack it was on, and began to speak.

"Ocular Systems: Re-engaging. Weaponry: Online, munitions at 49% capacity." It said, before collapsing on one knee "Warning: Insufficient Power To Stabilize Chassis... Ocular Systems: Online." It said before it began to scan it's surrounding.

Kion looked in awe at what he was looking at. There was a giant, kneeling right Infront of him. He shakily goes to engage with the giant "Uh-um. Hello?" He asked unsure of himself.

The giant genteelly whipped it's head towards Kion, the glowy-thing acting like an eye as the giant examined Kion.

"Greetings" Said the giant "I am Vanguard Class Titan: BT-7274, Inhabiting The Body Of A Ronin Class Titan. What Is Your Designation?" It said, Kion was looking for words, and stammered a bit, before responding.

 What Is Your Designation?" It said, Kion was looking for words, and stammered a bit, before responding

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(This thing)

"I-I am Kiongozi, p-prince of a place called Priderock, a-and king of the Tree Of Life." He says.

"Error, Unable To Fine Information About The "Tree Of Life Or Pridelands."

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