The Remnants Of The Giants

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"Soooo....What now?" Zuri asks, questioning the young King

"Well, not really sure. I mean, we found shelter. But other then that, I have no idea where to start looking." Kion replied, they had been walking in the barren, confusing, damn near hazardous wasteland for nearly an hour.

And throughout that entire time, they had not found anything.

No new clues about their current location, no locals to talk to, no nothing.

Not even the scent of the place seemed familiar, no familiar smell of grass or wood.

Heck, even the air smelled bad.

"Well, it's getting kinda late, I think it would be a good idea if we just stay here for a little bit, and maybe wait until you can walk on your own. Then we can consider our next move." Kion suggested

"Mhm, fair point, Kion."

It's been nearly 3 days, and Zuri is practically, still immobile. I mean, she can walk around a little bit, but after like, 5 minutes, things start to hurt.

Their not that bad on food, they could find some plants they could eat, and some unknown food found in some bags, that somehow didn't decompose.

But the 2 still had no clue where they were. So Kion decided he would try to look for some locals, or just anyone who could tell them about where the hell they had landed.

And so he went, leaving the safety of the cave (which was just some fallen debris) in the search to find some answers.

Kion's POV:

'Jezz, I feel like I've been walking for ages' I thought, I must've left the shelter like, 3 hours ago, and there's nobody here.

It's like a disaster happened here, which I guess would explain all of the floating rocks, and the absence of animals. But, what kind of disaster was it?

"Was it an earthquake? But an earthquake couldn't make things magically float, nor could it take me into a completely new place." I said aloud 

"So maybe it was another animal with the roar? That would explain the floating debris, and maybe the reason how we got here. But that also doesn't seem to be an option, since the animal needs to keep roaring to keep stuff up. And I don't hear any-" I said, stopping abruptly.

Kion had been so deep in thought, that he didn't notice that he walked face-first into a rock wall.

"OWW! What the- heck." He said in astonishment, because it was in fact NOT a rock wall, but a large structure in the side of a mountain, much larger then the Tree Of Life, or Pride Rock.

The thing was in the shape of a sphere, but composed of inner-rings.

Nearly 4 of them were in there, getting progressively smaller, but they still tower over his home.

But they seemed, broken down, out of service, and abandoned.

"Hevi Kabisa! What happened here?" Kion asked himself.

But then.

There was a roar, a roar like he has never heard before. 

The roar grew louder, the thumping of the ground didn't help situation either

Then, Kion was tackled by some horrifying creature.

It had fins around the back of it's head like a lion, it's razor-sharp teeth covered in it's drool, and the scales were covered in some unknown liquid.

Kion thought quickly, and roared at the beast sending it far off into the distance.

But that THING didn't come alone, for he was then faced with 3 more. And then 3 more came from behind, and tried to tackle him.

He dodged all 3 (somehow) and quickly decided to skedaddle out of there, since he certainly didn't want more to show up.

He ran as fast as he could, occasionally checking behind him to see if they stopped chasing him.

He kept running and running.

Until he fell Into a large dome-shaped-hole.

He tumbled down the sides of the hole, until he slid down to the bottom.

"Urgh, my head." Kion said rather groggy  Being semi-relived that the monsters decided to leave. But now he had a bigger issue. How does He get of the hole?

He gave some good attempts; he tried to run up the sides of the hole, finding some things he could use to get out, he even tried to roar his way out. But to no avail "Welp, no going back the way I came." he said aloud, looking up towards the edge of the hole.

As the young lion turned around, he noticed a soft glowing light, it's light flashing on and off. As He approached closer, the light flashed faster, and faster, and faster.

Until it stopped flashing when Kion stood next to it.

The flashy-thing was lodged inside of a cylindrical-silver canister, Kion pried the thing out of the front of the canister,  and held it close to his face, studying the object carefully, but it then started flashing again, which made Kion pull the thing away from his face, startling the lion.

But the flashing was different this time, flashing at different intervals, for different lengths.

He then looked at where he had picked up the thing, and noticed something.

All around the canister, were limbs, but they weren't the limbs of an animal.

They looked like they were made by someone, but they weren't the standard fake, wooden limbs Kion would see on ruff and tough fighters. They were, large, probably larger then him, and certainly too large to be used by a regular animal.

He was then alerted by the silver canister, which had opened with a *FWOOSH*, and revealed 2 items.

It showed a dagger, and a thing Kion had never seen before "Well, I know what this is." he says, picking up and examining the unique blade "But I've never seen anything like this." He said, picking up and also examining the strange object the blade was packed with.

With his curiosity getting the better of him, he decided to fumble around with the object, until the thing made a loud *POP* while also flying out of his paws.

"Wh- What the heck!?"

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