The Iron Giant & The Fiercest Lion

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"WOAH!" Kion Yells. With Kion currently in control of BT, he tries his best to keep BT upright, 'using' all the switches and controls, but only manages to fall on his butt.

"I can assume that you have no prior experience piloting a titan, correct?" BT asks.

"Yeah. Never seen anyone doing this, or done anything like this before." Kion replies "I have no idea what I'm doing." He then admits.

"Let me assist Pilot. Configuring Motion Control Input." BT says, and after a few moments, some switches and controls turn dark and lock up "This IMC titan comes equipped with advanced Neural Link Technology, along with precepts and functions not currently in my database, this titan must be a next generation Ronin."

"Pilot, I have reconfigured the Motion Input Controls. Try thinking about standing up." BT comments. And with that, Kion is able to stand up with relative ease.

"Wow! That's a lot better, thanks!" Kion replies.

With the new configuration, Kion was able to learn fairly quickly on how to move and use BT's hands as his own "Alright, let's try to get out of here." Kion says "BT, is there any way out of here?  One that's fast?" He asks.

"Scanning for possible ways of exit." BT says "The most direct route would be through the hole left behind by the prowlers. Directly above us." BT then looks at the hole in the roof.

"Makes sense." Kion responded.

"Warning! Incoming Hostiles!" BT warns, instinctively moving himself and Kion away from the prowlers dropping in.

"Well, they don't look happy." Kion comments.

"That is correct: Judging by facial analysis, anger levels are at about 91.47%." BT analyses " I detect 20 in the current area, 3 in the vicinity above. Pilot, running doesn't seem to be much an option."

"Wait! I just learned how to walk I don't know how to fight!" Kion exclaims.

The 20 prowlers then begin to claw at and chomp on BT, some climbing onto the main body and getting scarily close to the batteries.

"We don't have much of a choice, pilot" BT says.

Kion nervously sighs "They're much smaller then BT. Shwari, Kion." He mumbles, before engaging the many targets.

After only 5 minutes of fighting, and long 20 minutes of climbing, BT and Kion managed to get out of the hole they were in. "Hey BT. You said there were 3 other enemies out here. Where are they?" Kion asks

And as if the prowlers heard him, a loud roar emanated from behind the 2.

The only difference is that these guys, were bigger, WAY BIGGER. Nearly the size of BT, maybe a bit bigger.

"Pilot, I have located the hostiles." BT says, before being charged by one of the large prowlers.

Kion tries his best at defeating the 3 prowlers, and he does manage to defeat one.

But is blindsided by the 2 others.


"OOF! Ow, that hurt." I exclaim whilst being slammed into the ground. To say I wasn't doing well, was an understatement, we were getting hammered into the ground.

"Hull Integrity at 75%." BT says, stressing me out 'What does that MEAN?!' I scream in my head. Before getting swiftly hit by another prowler

Crossover Chronicles: Uphold The Mission (The Lion Guard x Titanfall 2)Where stories live. Discover now