Blade and Claw

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Now facing the prowlers, BT asses' the situation "5 Hostiles: 3 have sustained minor-injuries, 2 In Peak Condition. Phase Dash and Arc Wave are undergoing recalibration. Sword on standby."

"So, 2v5 huh?" Kion huffs "I like those odds" he chuckles, brandishing Leadwall.

"Pilot, Leadwall is currently low on ammunition, advising melee combat." BT comments, this prompt's Kion to stow the Leadwall, and draw the sword strapped to BT's back. 

One of the prowlers goes and charges at the pair, promptly getting it's front-right leg chopped off, staggering to the ground. A second and third then charge at the same time. One gnaws at BT's leg, the other jumps onto BT's back, ridding the robot like a horse "Pilot, Phase Dash online, advising it's use." BT warns, lighting up some lights around a lever.

"Alright! Activating Phase Dash!" Kion says, puling the lever. BT then, in a quick flash of light, disappears, the 2 monsters falling onto each other. 

"Wh- where'd he go?" Kovu asked, peeking from the small ravine they're in. 

And in a flash, BT reappears behind the prowler that held onto his back, and slashes it's head off. He then turns towards the prowlers that bit his leg, and stabs his blade through the head of the monster.

"3 targets down. 2 left." BT analyzes. The pair then continue their little rampage. Rushing towards the 2 remaining prowlers. Pulling another lever, Kion guides BT into slashing his sword, across the ground and towards the monsters. Creating a large eruption of electrical energy that turns the prowlers into some well-done steak.

"Good work, pilot. Our combat effectiveness rating has increased."

"Well, that takes care of that" Kion breathes. Only for that moment to be interrupted by the injured prowler to grab onto BT's back and start tearing into all the wiring and armor.

"Warning: Target has damaged internal wiring." BT warns. Before getting flashed by multiple popups.

"Phase Dash: Offline, Electrical Smoke: Offline, Sword Core: Unstable, Countermeasures are unavailable."

"Well, then what's NOT broken?!" Kion lashes out.

"Air conditioner, external lighting and cockpit doors are operational."

'Damnit.' Kion mumbles. Starting to panic, he tries his best to shake the prowler off BT's back. But, to no avail 'What do I do?'

Until, he gets an idea.

"Got it!" He exclaims "BT, orient yourself towards my friends."

"Copy." The robot replies.

Moving his giant body, BT manages to orient himself to that he is facing the small trench. Kion then undoes a few latches and manually opens the hatch "VITANI!" He shouts. The 3 lions perk their heads up and look at the now open cockpit, with Kion inside "ON MY SIGNAL, USE THE ROAR ON US, AS HARD AS YOU CAN!" He shouts.

"WHAT SIGNAL?!" Vitani shouts back, but doesn't get a response when Kion shuts the cockpit. 

"Chassis integrity at 65%"

"Pilot, what is it are you planning?" BT questions.

"Remember that roar I used back when you were powering up?" Kion references "Well, we're going to use Vitani's roar, to launch that stupid monster off your back!" He says. He then commands BT to stab the ground with his sword and kneel down.

"Pilot, this plan has a 55.87% chance of us also being flung away."

"Welp, it's not like we have many options."

Confused and worried, Vitani and Kovu (Not Zuri bc of the stimulant making her a bit tipsy) are silently waiting for the supposed signal.

Which comes sooner then they thought.

In a flash (literally) BT's chassis and extremities, light up like the sun. Stunning the prowler and prompting Vitani to use her roar on BT "Hull integrity at 60%. Pilot, hull integrity is steadily decreasing." The robot says, dust and debris being blasted into his face. Then a popups start showing up inside, telling Kion that there are parts of BT that are flying off.

"Hold on BT, just a little longer!" Kion replies.

After a few, painful minutes, the prowler is shot off BT, flying into the distance. "Whoo! That was close!" Kion exclaims, wiping the sweat from his brow "BT, how're you holding up?"

"Chassis integrity at 45%, 30% of internal wiring and machinery are exposed, armor is at 55%."

"That's, not great. But we'll work with it, lets go check in on my friends!" Kion says.

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⏰ Last updated: May 30 ⏰

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