A Bit of Trouble

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"C'mon. Almost. There." Kion says, straining near the edge of where the battery is, currently still climbing the many vines, ledges and lose pieces of rock.

It's taken a grueling 40 mins of straight climbing, to finally reach the battery. Stopping at the top, Kion lays on his stomach to rest, using the cool ledge the battery is on to cool himself down "*huff, huff, huff* That... Was.... Horrible!" Kion exclaims.

"Never. Again." He huffs. I mean, I would feel winded if I had to climb Pride Rock from bottom top tip-top.

Getting over the exhaustion, Kion slowly trekked towards the glowing battery, it glowed like fire, but was green and was slightly pulsating, as if a heart was inside, beating. Using the harness that he made to carry BT's eye, he ties the battery to his back and then realizes' something.

"I have to climb. All. The way. Back down?" Kion says, asking himself in a monotone voice. Kion then verbally groans, and begins to mentally prepare himself for the long climb back down.

But was rudely interrupted by a loud rumbling sound coming from above "That. Does not sound good." he mumbles. Before seeing the roof over him begin to collapse.

Acting quickly, Kion beings to quickly descend down the many platforms and vines. Which he then quickly stops because of the platforms, also falling "Oh just my luck!" He exclaims. Not really seeing any options, he decides to roar himself, out of this situation, using it to carry himself down to the ground, dodging the majority of falling debris.

Landing on the ground, he quickly sprints towards the doorway he came in from, barely managing to get inside "Welp. I'm going to hope that, that collapse didn't draw any more of those 'things.'" He mumbles, trotting his way back towards BT.

"Hey, BT! I've got that battery you needed!" Kion hollers, walking back through the large hole in the wall.

"Good. Now, hop onto my back and insert the battery into the open cavity." BT says.

Grappling onto BT, Kion climbs onto his back and inserts the battery, immediately getting off after BT's chassis beings to whir even louder.

But all that commotion has drawn some unwanted attention. As evident by the loud roar coming from above "That. Can't be good, can it?" Kion asks

"In many situations, no." BT responds.

Suddenly, banging sounds is heard, followed by a large crash, the roof above them then collapses, letting in many rabid animals, all similar to the one Kion ran away from. 

"No more running, I guess." Kion says, staring down the many animals that were now circling him and BT.

"Those are prowlers, a native species to many planets. They're incredibly territorial. The area above must a nest, the noise we've made must've alerted them." BT commented.

"Eh, I've fought worse." Kion smugly says. One of the prowlers then charged at Kion, before being flipped over and nailed into the ground. Another came, charging into Kion's side, slamming him into a wall. Kion growled in pain, before swiftly retaliating by kicking the beast off. Then a 3rd came, but was swiftly delt with when Kion used the roar on it, sending the thing flying out of the hole.

He struck down a 4th, then a 5, a 6th, going all the way to 10. Before being snuck up on by 2 prowlers, the 2 barreling into Kion, biting and scratching Kion. But the 2 were quickly struck off by a large metal arm. Standing up, he sees BT standing straight up.

"Chassis Stabilized." He says "Power Level at 3/4. BT-7274 Is combat ready." he continues "Are you alright?"

"Yeah, I'll live." Kion says "Well, that takes care of that." He huffs.

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