New Surroundings

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"Ugh, my head. Wha-what happened?" Kion said outloud, his vision was still blurry, as he had just woken up 2 seconds ago. 

He ached, every part of his body, from his head to his tail, ached like hell.

As his vision recovered, he noticed he wasn't in the Tree of Life anymore.

Or the Pridelands.

Or anywhere familiar.

He awoke is a pile of metal, and is pretty distressed when he awakes to a place where rubble is floating everywhere, and there are just islands of rock floating, and flying in all directions, all at random.

"Where- w-what is this place?" Kion asks, he seems frightened at the sight "Rani? RANI!? BUNGA!? GUYS?! ANYBODY!?" He hollers.

He's confused as all hell (and honestly, who wouldn't be?) but he needed to prioritize, he needed to:

A. Figure out where he is

B. Find his friends, and his fiancée 

'I have no idea what I'm doing.' Kion thought, it had been around an hour since he awoken, and he has learned that wherever he is, is 100% not in Africa. normally, he would be able to adapt to many situations he found himself in, being a pretty good strategist himself.

But so many things happened at once, and with the sudden shift of the environment he was in, his brain just kinda.


But then, he heard a voice.


It was really more of a cry of pain, then a coherent sentence or word. But none the less, it was a voice, and a voice is always attached to an Animal.

The voice was muffled, so he assumed that whoever was screaming, was underneath all the rubble.

"Hang on! I'm coming!" Kion shouted, hurrying to the origin of the voice.

Huffing and puffing, Kion makes it to the source "HELP! MY- ARGH- LEG!" The voice shouts

"W-WHERE ARE YOU?!" Kion shouts back

"DOWN HERE!!" The voice screamed back

And as Kion crept closer, following the voice, he sees a moving pile of metal, going down a hill he stood atop, sprinting down,he notices a moving pile of rubble, lifting off some pieces, reveals an animal he had not seen in ages.

"ZURI! Are you alright?" He questions, he then begins to scan her body, and from the look he got, she had a couple of bruises and scars on her body.

All of that, pretty minor, if you're not counting the large shard of metal going through her front-right leg.

"Peachy, just peachy." Zuri said in a sarcastic manner, nearly chuckling at the end.

Kion nearly chuckled back at her snarky behavior "Alright, I'm not the greatest at this, but I'll give it my best." He says, as he begun to search the area, to find anything that he could use to patch up Zuri's leg.

After some time, Kion finished patching up Zuri's, he managed to find a long enough piece of metal, that he used as a splint for her leg, and found a discarded cloth that he wrapped around the wound to prevent it from bleeding.

"Hmph, better then I expected." She confessed

"Heh, I've been practicing." He retorts.

"So.. What now?" The lioness asked

"Well, I don't know, but it'd be a good idea to find a place to stay for the night." Kion suggested.

"Agreed, and hopefully, we get to know where we are. Maybe find some locals?" Zuri responded, using Kion as a Krutch.

Trying their best to locate a safe place to rest.

Crossover Chronicles: Uphold The Mission (The Lion Guard x Titanfall 2)Where stories live. Discover now