The Queen And The Militia

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"Ugh, my head." A voice groaned, as the silhouette of a brown lioness, hauls herself out of the rubble she found herself in.

Scanning her surroundings (after the initial headache, of course) she found herself in a fairly unknown location. The forest around her somehow seemed both familiar and unfamiliar, at the same time "Where am I?" She questioned.

"Oh good, your awake." sighed a voice from behind her, to which she instantly whipped her whole body towards the voice's origin, and bore her fangs.

"Woah woah woah, easy now." It said, pulling their hands Infront of them, palms facing towards the now awake lioness, in a non-threatening way.

"Who are you? Where am I? Where's Kion?" Rani questioned in rapid succession, trying her best to sound stern and intimidating.

Then there was a brief silence, the figure just stared at the lioness with bewilderment "You- you can talk!?" The figure shouted, surprised.

Rani, was just confused at her statement, and gave her a strange look. Still keeping her guard up, she asks a question of her own  "What do you mean? Of course I can talk."

"B-but animals can't talk!" The figure responds, grabbing at the sides of their head.

At this point, Rani was REALLY confused "W-who are you?" She asked. When she got a closer look, she noticed her features seemed, feminine, and not like any other animal she'd ever seen "W-what are you?"

Regaining her composure, the figure speaks "I- I'm Diana." She responded "A-and I'm a human."

'A human?' She thought 'Never heard of a human before.'

Reluctantly, the bipedal mammal told Diana her name "I'm Rani: Queen of The Tree Of Life. And leader of the Night Pride."

"So that's what happened." Rani said.

It's been nearly an hour since they first met, and Rani had told Diana all about where she comes from.

"So, what about you?" Rani asked, wanting to get acquainted with her new, acquaintance.

"Well. I was leaving my home village, after we got word that a small army was coming to invade us." She started "Many of us decided to stay behind, mostly due to ego."

"Long story short; We got obliterated, and we were forced to leave."

"So, how did you end up here?" Rani asked

"Well... I may or may not have ran into a couple bandits, and they chased me away from my original campsite, taking the whole thing over. All I have are the limited supplies on my back and that tiny fire over there" Diana said, pointing towards the fire "It's been about a few months since the village raid, and only a week ago when I got most of my stuff and my campsite stolen."

Rani and Diana, continue to converse with one another for a little while longer, before hearing the sounds of footsteps approaching them. Diana suspects that they could've been raiders, so they both decide to quickly snuff out the fire, and find some cover behind a few bushes and rocks.

The marching sounds intensify, growing louder, and louder, until they stop. Heavily armored, military officers are in view now, they hold some medium sized rifles, all shouting "Clear!" and "Check _INSERT_DIRECTION_HERE_"

"I think it would be best if we leave. Quietly." Diana suggests, whilst Rani nods in agreement. While under the cover of the shadows (and bushes) they sneak their way, away from the soldier-infested area.

Unfortunately for them, a well placed stick was waiting for them.

As soon as Rani took her third step, a loud *CRACK* rang out from under her paw.

"Oh crud." Rani cursed. Looking at the stick that she stepped on.

In a mater of seconds, the soldiers zeroed in on their location, and began to approach towards the two "What do we do?!" Diana whisper-shouted.

Rani, considering her options, decided it might be in their best interests if they went with the soldiers "They could help your village, give us supplies', not to mention we would also have some partial-allies."

"Well, I for one think its a good idea." Said a voice behind the pair, making Diana and Rani jump.

Rani's surprise quickly went to ferocity, jumping up and pinning the voice's master to a a tree. Before quickly realizing it was "Ono?" The queen said in shock.


"Informant?" Rani asked, confused.

"You can talk?!" Diana followed up, even more confused.

"Yes, yes I can, and Rani. I would prefer you to get off me before-"

"FREEZE!" A soldier said, cutting Ono off mid sentence.

"Release the bird and put your hands and you're- erm - Paws in the air!" Another said.

Releasing Ono, Rani slowly got back up and sat on her hind legs, raising her paws in the air. Diana raising her hands in the air. 

"STOP STOP GUYS!" Ono said, flying over to the soldier with the strange hat "They're allies! Close friends of mine! Well, at least the lion is." He said.

The soldiers looked at each other in slight confusion "Allies, huh?" The soldier with the weird hat says. He stares at the bird, then back at the duo "Marines! Stand Down!" The soldier says.

"Oh, thank goodness." Diana sighed, dropping her hands "I thought we would've been pumped full of lead."

"Y-yeah, what she said." Rani also breathing a sigh of relief 'But what's lead?' she thought. Though she didn't have much time to ponder, as the large man with the hat stood Infront of the 2, with Ono resting on the man's shoulder.

"Sorry for the little mishap." the man said "My name's  Woods. Colonel Woods."

Colonel Woods then points to the 4 other people standing around him "And this is my squad: There's Piper, Steele, Jonas and  Nick." He says, point to his teammates.

Each one greets Rani and Diana, the 2 females returning with introducing themselves as well. 

"Now, I hate to skim over formalities, Colonel." Steele starts "But we should get out of here. No telling how long it'll take for those bandits to pickup on the commotion we're causing" He recommends.

"Agreed" Woods responds "But we'll have to take the scenic route. We'll need to get to a higher, more clear area so we can evac via Heli."

"You should come with us, you 2." Says Piper "After all, Rani, you're not the only talking-animal the militia has found."

"Not the only one? Well that's great. But who are they?" Rani asks.

Jonas goes on ahead and decides to say "They're animals that're lookin' for ya."

"I think their names are Baliyo, and Fuli."

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