To Help A Giant

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"What do you mean?" Kion asked, a little confused.

"I Have Searched My Memories And Alternate Sources Currently Available To Me, And There Has Been No Documentation On Those Locations." BT replied "Also, I Have Never Heard Of A Talking-Panthera Leo." It commented.

"What is a.... You know what, never mind that, both are irrelevant, for right now." Kion said, putting that subject off for a later time "Look. I need help with something. And since you need these batteries to move, I think we might be able to come to an agreement." Kion offered.


"If I get you those batteries, you tell me where we are, and where I can find some supplies. We have a deal?" Kion asked

The giant thought for a moment, before giving his answer "It Seems I Have No Other Logical Choice." replied BT "I Do Wish For More Information About Your Species, Deal?" The giant asked

"Deal" Kion responded

"Searching For Nearest Viable Power Source." BT said, wasting practically no time, before pointing off towards a blocked off wall and saying "Source Identified In That Direction, Passed That Door."

"There's a door there?" Kion said, looking at where BT had pointed, confused. But upon closer inspection, Kion did see an indentation in the wall, seemingly big enough for someone of around his height, maybe taller.

"Yes, But It's Locked Behind A Security Protocol." BT warned "Going To The Security Room Is Not Viable Or Efficient, A Forced Entry Is Advisable." BT says, ending off the conversation.

However, whatever BT said, went WAY over Kion's head 'Security Protocol? Security Room? What is a "Forced Entry?"' Kion mentally asked himself, this questioning quickly ended when BT grabbed a nearby fallen pole, and chucked it into the door, essentially opening the door "Huh, I guess that's what that means." Kion answered himself, as he started walking into the now opened door.

But he overlooked a very key detail.

"So.. What do these 'batteries' look like?" Kion asked, turning around, scratching the back of his head, an embarrassed smile plastered on his face, somehow managing to forget that he had never actually seen a battery before.

"They Are Cylindrical In Shape, And Emit A Green Glow, Unlike This One." He said, pointing towards a deactivated Battery on the floor next to him "I Require, At Minimum, 1 Battery To Power Myself Back To A Mobile Condition."

"Alright, I'll be back as soon as I can, just stay put." Kion said, before bolting off through the door.

Back at camp:

Zuri was drying.

Not because of her injury, or because of some intruder trying to kill her.

No. It was...


She was tired of waiting, and frankly, she was a little worried about how long Kion was gone "C'mon Kion, it's nearing sunset." She said to herself.

She tried to keep herself camp, and entertained, but she couldn't stop worrying about the current situation: She and Kion are separated from their friends and families, swiped away from their homes, She is injured, and are completely lost.

"This day couldn't get any worse." She sighed.

But we all know what happens when a person says THE line.

Shortly after she spoke that line, a loud roar emanated from the cave entrance "Me and my big mouth." She groaned.

Nearly immediately after, 3 of those split-lipped creatures showed up and jumped into the cave, they snarled and growled at Zuri, terrifying the near-immobile lion.

But even so, she tried to stand her ground "S-stay b-back!" She shouted in the most confidant voice she can muster, bearing her fangs, and growling at the creatures. But they didn't seem phased, nor did they stop their approach.

"Ugh, this place is a mess." Kion commented, he had been traversing the abandoned hallways and rooms for a few solid -actually he didn't know how long he had been gone.

He kept walking and walking, dodging, running, and sneaking his way past animals he'd never seen before.

He still had so many questions, running through his head. Like where his parents, friends, and wife was? What caused the earthquake? Or how the earthquake brought him, and Zuri to this place.

He was quickly pushed back from his mind, after hearing a low humming sound, he lifted his head upwards, where a soft green hue could be seen coming from a high up ledge 'That must be a battery.' He said to himself, as he looked around the tall, cylindrical room he found himself in 'How do I get up there?' Kion thought.

It only took him a few moments, to find a few lose vines, and some platforms he could climb on.

Then the climb for the glowing-green-thing began.

He jumped, platform-to-platform, vine-to-vine, trying his best not to:

A. Look down.

And B. Not fall.

Which was both easier said then done, and even though he was the fiercest in the Kings Guard, that didn't mean he was fearless 'That one belongs to Bunga.' Kion thought, as he continued his climb.

Crossover Chronicles: Uphold The Mission (The Lion Guard x Titanfall 2)Where stories live. Discover now