The Rapture

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Moving away from the Tree for now, we now enter a new land, but familiar land, a land far South of the Tree Of Life. Ruled Over by Queen Kiara and King Kovu. It's protectors, the Lion Guard, lead by Vitani: The Fiercest, and it's members:

Shabaha: The Bravest

Imara: The Strongest

 Tazama: The keenest Of Sight

And Kasi: The Fastest

They are sworn to protect the Pridelands and enforce the Circle Of Life, just like the Night Pride and Kings Pride.

While one of their patrols, Tazama, notices something, something abnormal "Hey, does anyone else see that? Tani'? Kasi?" she asks.

When Vitani turns to look at Tazama, she sees that she is staring at the sun "What are you talking about Taz? All I see is the sun. You Kasi?" Vitani answers.

"No- Well. YES, the sun! But doesn't it look. Odd to anyone?" Tazama questions, as the whole guard beings to look.

"I mean, shouldn't we have our eyes being singed out?" Shabaha asks.

"Yeah, unless we all built an immunity to the sun. And doesn't it look a bit...Blue?"

"Your Right Kasi. And it kinds looks like it's getting. Brighter?" Said Imara.

Something odd was going on here, and it wasn't just them who noticed.

"Lion Guard! Lion Guard!" Yelled a female Hyena, sprinting towards them, nearly barreling into Vitani, but instead, runs into a bush.

"Woah! Jasiri! What's going on?"

"Oh, nothing much Vitani, other than the BLUE SUN!" She says, sticking her head out the top of the bush.

"We'd better see the king and queen." Suggested Imara, getting a nod of agreement from everyone else.

In Priderock, rests 2 fully-grown lions, intertwined in the other's paws, cuddling together. But as the Lion Guard enters PrideRock, they are awakened from the sound of their paws hitting the rocky ground, scampering towards them.

When they reach where the 2 lions are resting, the male sits up.

"Huh, what are you all -Yawn- doing here? Isn't it still kinda early? Sis?" Kovu asks, he's a large, black maned lion with some brown fur, he bears a scar on his left eye like Kion.

"Well, uh, you see-"

"Vitani? Lion Guard? Jasiri? What are -yawn- you doing here?" Kiara asks, she is the female lioness, with a kind of dark-cream fur, unlike her brother Kion.

"Just- Look outside." Vitani said, the couple were confused, but decided to follow along.

As they made their way to the edge, they were in shock at what they saw.

"Uh, Viani? Why's the sun blue?" Kiara asks, both Kiara and Kovu concerned and confused at the same time, while at the same time, also amazed.

"D'unno, that's why we're here." Vitani responds

"Yeah, we wanted to notify you both, if you didn't see it that is." Shabaha follows up

They aren't sure what to do in this situation, should they call a meeting? If so, then with who? Maybe they could consult Rafiki?

But then again, he probably won't know anything as well, as he never came running into Priderock.

But before they could decided on the right course of action, the blue light intensified.

"U-uh, guys? Is it just me, or is the sun getting, brighter?" asks Jasiri

And as she said that, the lions stared at the blue sun, graduality getting brighter and brighter every second.



A small, bright-blue object fell from the sky, creating a giant creator, and a very bright blue light, that completely engulfed the Pridelands in a blue light.

"WOAH!" shouted Kovu, nearly tearing up at the sight

No wait, scratch that, he's 100% crying

But as the light dissipated, and the ground becoming visable, the land began to shake, tear apart, and crumble. Launching large pieces of dirt, grass, water, and rock into the air. It knocked trees out of the ground, and launched animals through the air, and in holes.

Priderock shook, and also crumbled.

"WOA -AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH" the inhabitants of Priderock shouted, falling through a large hole that cracked underneath them.

"I GOTCHA!" shouted another lion, this was Simba, the previous king of the Pridelands, with his wife Nala, at his side. Both holding onto their daughters paw. But this didn't last long.

For they also fell into the hole, when it cracked even more.

meanwhile, at the Tree of Life

Anga had taken over Ullu's post for a bit while she slept. But then she noticed something.

A bright light had emanated from a place very far south of the Tree of Life, but then a loud crack could be heard, then an actual crack came racing towards her, and before she was able to do anything, a large rock, that flew up and towards her direction from the tremors, hit her in the face, rendering her unconscious.

"Huh? What's that noise?" Asks Bunga, now beginning to feel hear, and feel the tremors.

"Idk Bunga, might be an earthquake." Guessed Ono " It could be close, we'd better check up on the animals." he also suggested

"Ono's right, the safety of the animals is our first priority. So we'll split up" Kion said

"Ono, Go grab Anga and the night pride. Fuli, Beste, take the north and east, Bunga and I will take the south and west. We'll regrou-" Kion said, before getting rudely interrupted by a loud cracking noise, then a real crack that appeared, right below his, and his teams feet.

"GUYS, RUN, YOU'LL FA-AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH!" Shouted Kion, before falling in the hole with his team.

The commotion outside had alerted the night pride, and Rani, so they regrouped at the entrance of the Tree Of Life.

Rani was running out of the Tree "Guys! GUYS! DID YOU HEA-AHHHHHHHH" rani shouted, before falling through the giant crack that formed below her, following suit is the night pride.

Crossover Chronicles: Uphold The Mission (The Lion Guard x Titanfall 2)Where stories live. Discover now