Chapter 9.

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Vrinda's Pov:

While I'm having some coffee with sandwiches, I was interrupted by the ringing of the doorbell. Who will come this early in the morning? It's a weekend also. It's just 7:45 am. But when I opened the door, I was awestruck seeing bava at the door. I was just staring at him with my eyes and mouth wide open. He cleared his throat and sighed at me to move inside. I moved back to give him the space to get in. He made himself comfortable on the couch and started staring at the walls and other interior work, which I did to pass my boredom. I got back to the kitchen to get him a glass of water, as I can guess he had just worked out. After some hesitation, I asked him if he would like to have some coffee. He just hummed. I went back to the kitchen to make him a strong coffee. While I was at work, he inspected my bedroom and study room.I didn't tail him as I gave him the privacy he wanted. I offered him coffee with a plate of sandwich. He had his coffee and sandwich calmly without any hesitation. "Maybe he was hungry after the workout," mocked my mind .

"He wants to taste your handmade food," mocked my heart.

I let my mind and heart fight for some time, not bothering me, because I want the time to freeze as I'm enjoying his presence in my little home.

Arjun 's Pov:

I know she would be surprised to see me. But watching her expression made me laugh. I composed myself and got inside the house. I had her handmade coffee and a sandwich. It's the most fantastic coffee I have had in years. She is the best cook. I will be the luckiest person if we could get married. She is a sensible person, well organized. It's like a little cottage. I feel it as a home. Vrinda made it her home. We can feel peace and freshness here, which I missed in that bungalow. After I finished my breakfast, I felt that Vrinda was busy staring at me. I cleared my throat to grab her attention. I'm here to discuss something. So I immediately got to the point.

Arjun: How are you?. How is life?.

Vrinda: All good. How about you?

Arjun: Good aaaa and one more thing, we are going to Grandma 's house today.

Vrinda: Why me. You people?.

Arjun: What ? Come again (keeping a serious face)..

Vrinda(gulping): I mean, why me when you and Lakshya are having a family holiday.

Arjun: Lakshya is busy with some seminars and medical camps. You are one among the family,so why can't I go with you? I didn't ask you for your opinion or willingness. Just giving you the information so that you could pack your bags and get ready by 4:00pm.

Vrinda: I have to go to the office and I didn't apply for leave. I have some work pending and..

Arjun: That can be taken care of. Just pack your bags and get ready.

Vrinda (in mind) : Arrogant and stubborn head.

I didn't let her complete it. If I give her a chance, she'll give me a number of reasons and excuses to skip this trip. I asked Lakshya to join us, but she had some presentations. I didn't compel her. I missed Grandma so much. I want to see her as early as possible, and I can spend some quality time with Vrinda alone on this trip.

At 4:15 p.m. Vrinda came home with her small backpack and her handbag. I saw her hesitation in getting inside the house. Oh! God, only Vrinda knows how to piss me off. It's her house dammit. Then why does she feel like she is an outsider. What insecurities is she having?. As I couldn't stand all these, I made my way to the exit, indicating to her that we are all set for the journey.

When she kept her luggage in the car boot along with mine, she made herself comfortable in the backseat. I made it clear that Lakshya is not accompanying us . I asked her to sit in the passenger seat. She cursed me something, which I m least bothered 😏. After settling in the car, she wore her seat belt and plugged her earphones.. Aaah, she is a stubborn nut and a moodiest. I want to have a good chat with her to clear our differences, but she knows how to spoil my plan. I didn't have the heart to start the conversation, seeing her unresponsive attitude. I was hurt, but I let her be as I have to be patient enough to gain her trust.

I want to have some tea and snacks. But Vrinda went into a deep slumber, not bothering about her surroundings. I tried knocking on her glass window by moving a bit closer. But seeing her beautiful face and the baby hair falling on her forehead tempted to kiss her. But I gave a light peck on her forehead, promising myself to protect the sleeping beauty from any danger. I knocked the window and

Arjun: Hey... wake up.

Vrinda: Aaaa......... What happened 😳.?. Why are you this close to me?

Arjun: Hey, listen... I don't have any ill intentions towards you. Let's get down first. You can use the restroom if you want. In the meanwhile I'll order some tea and snacks for us.

Vrinda: Mmmm... I am sorry if I hurt you. I trust you. I know you are not a bad person. I was just shocked to see you this close. By the way, what's the time now?.

Arjun: It's almost 6 pm. I'm feeling a bit tired.

Vrinda: I want to use the restroom. You order something. Let's get down first.

Arjun: Hmm."

After their tea and snacks, they resumed their journey. Vrinda offered to drive the remaining journey, but Arjun politely declined it. He doesn't want to trouble her. It amazed him knowing that Vrinda could drive long distances. He underestimated her.

They reached their village around 10:00pm. They couldn't meet their Grandma ma at that time as she couldn't stay awake till that time. Arjun wanted to surprise his Grandma so he didn't inform her regarding their trip. They were received by the Raghavadu, their house helper.. They had their dinner and retired to their rooms.

Thank you.

Bye. Take care.

Stay safe and healthy.

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