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Author's Pov:

Arjun and Vrinda reached Hyderabad after completing the other rituals of marriage(changing the thali to the chain). They asked their Grandma to come and stay with them, but she politely declined them, stating the reasons for the polluted environment in the cities and her age factor to travel long distances. So, they came back to their respective homes and resumed their routine.

Arjun was busy with the collaboration work, whereas Vrinda was busy with her office work. It's been two days since they came to Hyderabad but they couldn't meet each other. Though they were busy in their individual worlds, the void of missing your loved ones is clear on their faces. They made themselves very busy with work to get tired so that sleep could engulf them, but sleep was far away from their eyes. Vrinda was lost in her thoughts, cherishing the little moments with her bava, but an unknown fear took over her. She was becoming restless remembering the dream. She dreamt about Arjun being in some kind of trouble because of her. She never wanted that to happen in her life. She was worried about her bava and at the same time she couldn't leave him. He is her life now.

When she was engrossed in her thoughts, she heard the sound of the door closing. When she turned to look at the person who it might be, she happened to see the person she missed so much, her husband.

She hadn't seen him for 17 years but she never felt this feeling of longing for him. But now she missed him for just two days and here she was yearning to see him. That is the beauty of marriage, and she started to realize it. She started blushing seeing him and Arjun embrace her in a warm hug. She didn't stop him and reciprocated it.


"Did you miss me?"


" Hmm.. .. so much. What about you?".


" Yes... I was not able to stay away from my wife. So , I am here, "


" Abba, stop teasing me, bava."


" Vrinda , I am serious. I can't stay away from you. My mind is not at peace leaving you alone here. Please come back to our home. I am there for you. Lakshya is there. We all can stay together. "

Vrinda :

" Nothing is there to be worried about. I am really fine being here."

Arjun :

" Why are you not understanding me, Vrinda? In which language should I tell you. I can't stay in a constant fear that something might happen to you, and It doesn't look good if I come here at night. People will start talking about us. So, it's better if you shift to our home. No one will question us. Please Vrinda, listen to me dear"

Vrinda :

" I can understand your concern, but I am not comfortable coming there. The past haunts me. Understand my situation. I still imagine our parents...."

She kept silent. She could not complete the conversation. She started crying silently.

Arjun hugged her tightly and let her cry. He didn't stop her. After some time he continued

Arjun :

" Bangaram... listen. Yes, I agree we lost them. But that was way back. It's been years, and we have to get over it. How long are you going to stay in the past? Don't you want to move on. Why do you just see the dark part of our past? Just remember we have the brighter side of the past, too. Memorize our happy moments we spent with our parents when we were with them. We can make many more memories living there. We are married now and I am there for you. Tell me what is bothering you. Open out your insecurities . I am all your ears. I'll never judge you. Give a chance to our newly formed relation and trust me bangaram we will have our happy days back. "

Vrinda thought for some time. She can see how Arjun is worried about her safety, and she can see the concern for her in his eyes. She made up her mind to confess everything to him that was bothering her. After all, he is her husband, and she feels it is not fair on her part to hide something from him.


" Bava... that day after our parents' death, everyone who came to the ceremony taunted me. They blamed me for our parent's death. Some people cursed me for my negligence . They said it's because of me the accident happened and we lost our parents. They started calling me a sinner. I was looked up with disgusting and hateful eyes. People started calling me a bane in every one life. I wanted to seek some kind of comfort from you or grandma. But Grandma was not in a position to console me. She was beyond shock, and you started to keep your distance from me. At that time, I felt my world was falling apart. I thought even you were accusing me as I am the culprit for the accident. I was devastated without any emotional support. I started hallucinating the images of our parents' death whenever I came to our home. I tried very hard to forget everything and move on, but I was humiliated in that house bava. I couldn't erase those harsh words from my mind.

I agree that we have many beautiful memories in that house, but I made everything vanish in a blink with my stubbornness. I should not have asked mavayya to stop the car for that stupid painting. It's because of me that mavayya stopped the car in the middle of the ghat road. I should have listened to Nanna . It's all because of me that we lost them. I am a sinner. I am a real curse to our family. I should have died with them.

Flash back of the accident :

Madhav, Surya, and their respective families went on a vacation. They were on their way from Munnar (Kerala) to kochi. Vrinda was 8 years old, and Arjun was 13 years old. Lakshya and Grandma were in Kochi as Lakshya was not keeping good with her health. Lakshmi and Vanja were engrossed in the beauty of nature. Kerala was known for its natural beauty and was called God's own country. Vrinda and Arjun were playing with their toys. Vrinda happened to see a beautiful painting of pacha vesham(krishna). It is very famous in kerala. She was fond of art from childhood, and her interest made her want to have that painting. So, she asked her mavayya to stop the car to buy that painting. Surya, who was driving the car, agreed readily. Madhav told him that it's not safe to stop the car in the middle as it's a ghat road but Vrinda was stubborn to have that painting. Knowing the adamant nature of Vrinda, Madhav gave up the idea to convince her and Surya. But, he asked Arjun to accompany her to the shop to buy the painting. The tragedy happened within a few minutes when Arjun and Vrinda were out of sight. Their car was hit by a truck and was driven into a deep valley. No one survived the accident as it's a dead deep valley. Police were not able to do much  help in the case as it was a hit and run case, and secondly, the truck driver said that he couldn't control the momentum due to brake failure.

This accident brought a drastic change in the lives of Vrinda, Arjun, and Lakshya. They not only lost their parents but lost their company, properties, and everything. Their Grandma was traumatized with the loss of her kids and went into depression. God showed his mercy on them that they were left with a house for their shelter and a piece of land for their livelihood.

Thank you.

Take care. Bye.

Stay safe and healthy.

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