Chapter- 25

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Author's  Pov:

    After meeting  Ravi,  Arjun called his lawyer  and asked  him to verify  the documents  that  he had sent to his mail. Knowing  that  everything  was  perfect  without  any  hiccups,  he started  his journey  to his uncle's  house.

    Earlier in the morning,  he had a word with  Vrinda about  visiting  his uncle  and  aunt. He wanted her to accompany  him. But Vrinda  excused herself by reasoning about  the  office. She respects  elders very much. So, she conveyed her regards to the couple through  Arjun. 

In order not to coerce  her more, Arjun  stayed calm. 

Ramesh (Arjun 's maternal uncle) welcomed him in a warm  hug.  He felt  happy  seeing  Arjun  after a very long  time. He missed him, and the onlookers could sense the longing  in  his  eyes. After a brief  moment,  they parted themselves  from the hug, and Ramesh started the conversation  with some pleasantries. 


            " How are you, Arjun?. It's been a long time since we met."


      " I'm  fine, uncle. How about you?. How about Aunt and Sruthi ".

(Note:  Sruthi  is Ramesh 's only daughter who is pursuing  her second year in medicine. She is studying  in the  same college  where Lakshya  is  studying.)


   " All good  and by the way, Sruthi is in her second  year of medicine."


   " Oh! That's nice to hear. So, We are about to have  doctors  in  our family  shortly.
How is Aunt doing? "

Ramesh :
      " She is fine. Wait, I'll ask her  to  get you some juice. "


   " Nah.. no formalities  uncle. Just stay here. Let's talk."


    " You came after so many years to our house. How can I make you  sit idle  without  offering  you  anything?  You are staying for lunch , in the meantime I'll ask your aunt to get you juice."


    " Don't  bother uncle. I am fine. But, I want to meet her. By the way, how is your  NGO working, and what about the hospitals?".

    " My work  is  fine. I am planning  to  hand over my responsibilities  to my future son in law and daughter.  So,I can retire  and relax. "


     " Come on, uncle. You can't be serious.  Those hospitals  and NGOs got that good will with  your hard work and dedication.   You can't hand it over to someone  whom you  hardly  know. You must be planning  something big. "

     " You are smart, Arjun.  I admire  you  for your intelligence  and  smartness.  It's  true that I can't  trust someone blindly.  I have someone  in mind for Sruthi, and I trust him with  my  daughter  and  other responsibilities. 

Anyway, where did your  aunt  go? It's been so long. Let me call her.

Aparna…. Aparna.. hey, where were you. See who came to meet us. "


    " ya… coming.  I was on the terrace.  Wait."

Aparna  came back and was surprised to see Arjun . She felt  happy  and asked. 

      " Hey Arjun , what a pleasant  surprise.  How are you? How about Lakshya  and  Vrinda. "

    " All good, Aunty. We're you busy with something ?".

       " Ha.. nothing  dear. I was on the terrace  organizing  the plants in my garden.  By the way ,when did you come from the village?  Your uncle said that you went to meet your Grandma.  How is she doing?".

     " She is hale  and hearty as always."

     " That's good to hear."

Arjun  just smiled at her reply. She excused herself  to the kitchen to get something  for Arjun  to  have. 

After a bit of hesitation  , Arjun  restarted the conversation  with his uncle.

    " Uncle,  I am here for a favor.  Can I have your word in it?".

     " I am always  there for you, Arjun.  Ask me whatever  you want. "


     " Thanks, uncle. But here's the thing. 
Vrinda  was kidnaped by some organ trafficking group  three months back. When I inquired into the matter,  I got to know that someone  from your NGO  organization  was selling  individual information  to that trafficking  group  for  some easy money. "


    " Oh! God. How could this happen  in my organization?. How is Vrinda? Is she alright?  
But Arjun,  I could not  understand  how Vrinda  was related to  our NGO. "

     " Even, I got the same doubt, uncle. But when I investigated deeply,  I came to know that Vrinda  attended  a blood donation  camp  which was organized by  your NGO.  There, she happened  to  donate her blood. 

I am really  sorry  for accusing  your NGO. I know your loyalty and  benevolence.  But there must be some black sheep who want to tarnish  your image in society. "

      " Arjun, I am really  very sorry.  I was not aware of this happening in my organization.  First  I need to apologize  to  Vrinda.  Thank God  that nothing  serious  happened  to that  poor girl.  I promise you, Arjun, that I will  definitely  look into this matter. "

     " That's so kind of you, uncle. I know you are unaware  of  all this. That was the reason  why  I hesitated to tell you  about this incident.  

And yes, Vrinda  is absolutely  fine.  There is nothing  to worry  about her. "


     " God bless that little  soul. If anything  would  have happened  to  her, I could not  forgive  myself  in this life.

By the way  Arjun,  is grandma  looking  for  any matches  for  Vrinda. If she is looking  for  a prospective  groom, then
I have a perfect  guy for her. I just want to let your Grandma  consider  my options. "

Listening  to  his uncle words ,  Arjun's heart skipped  a beat. He was getting  frustrated  why everyone was becoming  a matchmaker for Vrinda.  Why don't they consider  him as a prospective groom  for  Vrinda?. 

He was already  married  to  Vrinda, but his uncle was curious  about match  fixing for his wife.  He felt  helpless because he couldn't  say it aloud as he had already  promised  her that he would keep their marriage  a  secret.  

Though he felt sorry for hiding this news, because  of the promise. So, he stayed  silent for  some time and replied. 


   " I don't know  what Grandma  is  planning, uncle. I didn't  bother  to  know. "

Ramesh felt happy  listening  to  his reply. They continued  their conversation  without  bothering  about the time. Aparna  made herself busy  in the  kitchen  preparing  lunch for them.

Thank you. 

Bye. Take care. 

Stay safe and  healthy. 

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