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Author's  Pov:

  Vrinda was dumbstruck  listening  to  Ramesh 's confessions.  Until  today,  she thought  the reason behind her parent's  death  was  an accident . But after listening  to  what Ramesh  said, she was shocked. 

We never expect  our family or  friends  to turn out to be our enemies.  We should  never make a decision  out of emotions.  Be it good or bad. Ramesh made the same mistake. He  turned into a monster when his evil emotions  took over him. Out of his  jealousy  and  obsession, he killed a happy living  family.

Vrinda  heard that people  go insane  when they don't think with a clear mind. Now she was seeing him  in person. The one who killed her parents  was standing  in front  of  her as if he was  innocent . She was lost in thoughts. The happy  memories  that she spent  with them rewind  in her mind. She had tears in her eyes. She lost them when she was too young to  live alone in this cruel  world.  Finally  she decided  to do one thing and spoke.


 " You killed my family. You made me an orphan.  Your crimes are unforgivable.  But I don't  have any evidence  to prove them. Even  if I could prove them in court, you will use your influence  and escape from the judiciary.

You said you would win by my divorce  agreement, right? I will not let you win. You can do whatever you want. Even if you kill me, I will  die as Mrs. Vrinda Arjun  but not as Vrinda.  I will be more than happy if that happens. "  Saying  this  she tore the divorce  agreement  into pieces.

Ramesh  was astonished  watching her tearing those papers.  He planned it very carefully  but Vrinda  spoiled  it by pulling this stunt . He became  angry  and  said,


" Hey, Vrinda.  What are you doing? Are you crazy? Stop it before I do something  harmful  to you. "

But Vrinda  paid no heed to his words and felt content when she tore them completely. She felt happy as if a big mountain  was  lifted from her shoulders.  She had a big smile on her face  with tears rolling  down her eyes. But when she looked up to see Ramesh,  he was already pointing  out  a gun towards  her. He already  expected her  to pull such a stunt  and was prepared  for  his next course  of  action. 

When he shot the bullet, Vrinda  was pushed to the other end, but unfortunately the  but hit Arjun  on his shoulder. He was fortunate  that  the bullet didn't  pierce his shoulder  deeply  but it was still painful  and  was bleeding.  When Vrinda  found herself  unharmed, she looked  around  and  saw her husband  lying  on the ground  with a bleeding  shoulder.  She was hell shocked and shouted in worry.


 " Bava… why did you do this? See what happened  to  you.  Why did you try to save me? Come, let's go from here. "

She was crying  profusely  seeing  his condition.  What she feared the most finally  happened  and she witnessed  it  with her own eyes. Arjun  wiped her tears  and  patted her shoulder with one hand to help him get up. After helping  him, she tied  her dupatta  to his shoulder to  stop the bleeding.  She knew that it won't be of much  help but still she tried  it till he was taken to the hospital. 

Arjun  looked at his uncle  who  was no longer  looking  towards  them. He was worried  that  Arjun  could  have  known of his evil crimes.  He thought of  covering  up his crimes by making  up some   stories. So ,he tried  to  convince  Arjun. 


  " Arjun, It's not what you see. I can explain.  Please hear me out. "


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