chapter 3

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A week  went in a jiffy, and Vrinda  was busy  with her work. Today  is a long day for her. One of her clients  seemed  to be a bit stubborn with the interiors  and was not  convinced  of the estimation cost. She had no other option other than to rely on her senior  Ravi.

Finally,  Ravi managed the situation  in his style. He is a pro in cost estimation , cost cutting.  He is good at his work.

She completed  the  remaining  work in peace and came back home. She got fresh and completed dinner. She was hell tired, but sleep was far away. She turned and shifted her sleeping  position, but she couldn't  get  a wink . Slowly, her thoughts  drifted to her childhood days when she spent her time  with her parents and cousins.  Those were her most memorable  days, and  remembering  the happy time she spent with brought a wide smile on her lips. 

Vrinda  is good  at artwork.  Sketching is her hobby . This hobby made her passionate  towards  architecture and designing , making her choose it as her profession.  She is content  with her work, but somewhere in a corner  of her heart, she wanted to re start her father's  business(Jewelry. ) She loves to design  jewelry.  This is one quality  that she inherited  from her father. Her father  and  uncle are into designing  the  jewelry  and  making. They started their livelihood  with a simple small shop. As the days rolled on, that small shop turned into a big establishment, creating  its own brand in the name of "ARVI "

ARVI jewelers  gained  huge recognition  among  the middle  and  upper  middle  income groups. These jewelers  are known for  their  unique  design and marketing  skills.  Trust is their key  factor  for success.  They are known  for customized  products.  Her (Vrinda 's) father and uncle used to worship  their work. They were devoted  to  their  profession. Whenever they receive  a huge order, they make sure that the customer  is  satisfied  with  the  final  outcome  and  it is to be delivered  on  time. 

This commitment  and dedication  in their  work gained  them more popularity.  They didn't need any specific  marketing  skills , mouth publicity played its role. Their growth  in  business  made their competitors  enraged  and  envious. 

After their death, "ARVI " lost its glory  and got shut down  for  some  unknown reason.
After many years,  Arjun  started  a construction  firm with the same  name "ARVI ". This company  is  administered by Govind.

Vrinda, to overcome  her boredom, resumed her sketches  in  jewelry.  She was engrossed  in  her work , and she lost time. By the time she wrapped  her  work, it's already 3:30. She sighed  helplessly, thanking her luck for another stressful  day.

By the time she woke up, it's already 7:00. She got ready for her work. When she almost completed  her work, she received  a call from lakshya asking  her  to  meet her at the coffee  shop near her office.

After some time.

Vrinda: Hey, hi. When did you come. ?.

Lakshya: Hi. Just  10 min. How was your work. You look tired. Is it due to work pressure. Why don't  you  take leave for some days.

Vrinda: ya, for the last two days, my work is getting hectic, and  I m feeling  tired.  let's order some coffee  first.

Yesterday  was a stressful  day  for  her, and thanks to her sketches, which made her stay awake till the wee hours. She is feeling a bit uneasy and  feverish.

After having their  coffee with some refreshments, Lakshya  continued  the  conversation

Lakshya: Vrinda, I asked  you something.  Why don't you take a break. Don't  you get tired. It's been 8 months since you started working in this company.  Even in the weekend, you engage yourself in going to some orphanage and  old age home. When will you give time for yourself?. Don't  be so selfless. 

Vrinda: OK, come to the point. Where do you want me to accompany  you. I know you're  planning  something  . So tell me.

Lakshya: Hmm. You are right.  Annayya  wants to go to our village to meet grandma.  She misses us. Why don't  you  go  with him.

Shock is an under statement  for  Vrinda, but she composed  herself and spoke with a neutral look.

Vrinda: Why me?. Why can't you  join him. Why drag me wherever you go.  I am not going anywhere, and not with anyone. 

Lakshya: Abba. Don't  be so stubborn.  Don't  you want to see grandma.  She is getting  old and not to forget  she is the only family  left. Don't disappoint  her.  Please, for me. Even I want to join you people, but I have my medical  camp at that time. Just go.

Vrinda  thought for some time but couldn't  decide  anything.  She thought  that  after Arjun came back to India,    he  may  get engaged  in  his  company  work, and the plan  of meeting  his grandmother  would get postponed. 
But little  did she know of her bava , who planned  something  ahead of her.

Vrinda: OK. Let's wait until your brother  is  back, then we can discuss  this.

Lakshya: Ya. Let's wait  till  then. But you be prepared  with the leaves. 

In order to end this topic , Vrinda  hummed in response. 
They started  home as it's getting  late.
They had quality  time with each other and had their dinner.  Lakshya  came  back  to her house ,whereas  Vrinda  completed  her home chores and got ready  to  sleep.  She felt  tired and  lazy. When her back hit the bed, sleep took over her immediately.

Thank you, friends.
Stay safe  and  healthy.
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