Chapter -17.

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The next morning,  Grandma  arranged Satyanarayana vratam  and invited  the whole village  to  the  pooja. The house was fully decorated  with mango leaves and marigold flowers. Vrinda  was dressed in a yellow green kanjivaram pattu saree  and  Arjun  was  dressed  in  pattu dhoti and half sleeve  shirts.  The priests  started  the pooja, and it took nearly 3 hrs to complete  the  pooja. Arjun  felt sleepy as he slept late the other night. After the pooja, lunch  was organized  for all. The villagers  blessed the couple and went back. Arjun went back to his room and was engrossed  in  thoughts. 

Arjun 's Pov:

I need to know  about the past of Vrinda.  I need to know about the kidnap also. When Govind  uncle said that Vrinda  went missing,I asked if he lodged  any police complaint.  After some hours, he said she reached home safely  but  didn't  speak  anything  about  the incident.  When he asked her what exactly  happened  to  her  that she went missing for so long, she said she was kidnaped  by someone and couldn't  remember  anything  as they hid their identities  with masks. I can't leave it like this. I need to find  out  the truth.  I am happy that she came back safe  without any physical harm. I can say  it is a well planned  one, and someone  is closely monitoring  her. So, I already  hired a detective  to  investigate the kidnap. I am waiting  for  his call as he asked me for two weeks to get each and every  detail of Vrinda.  

It's been a while since I came to India. In the meantime, I could get to know some of her(Vrinda 's)interests. When I went  to  the  outhouse  to meet her, I observed  her house. She was  an organized  person and kept everything  at its place. She is creative. She  made some decorative wall hangings  and  some paintings. She is good at art. I can see that . What shocked me was her interest  in jewelry. She is also interested  in  plants and gardening because  her small balcony  is  filled with some flowering plants  and  green leafy vegetables.  She is a package  of good habits.  I want her to achieve  what she wishes  for.  I' ll surely  support  her  in  her  success, and for that, I need to earn her trust, which I lost completely.  I want to make her comfortable  with  me  just how we used to be in our childhood.  I was so focused  on my thoughts  that I didn't  notice  that I received  the mail. After some time, I received  a  call from  my detective  asking  me to go through  the attachment  that he sent . The content  in the attachment  made me astonished.  It says that Vrinda  was kidnaped  by  an organ trafficking  group. But I could not  understand  how she got herself  into  this trouble when she doesn't  involve  herself in someone else's business. So, I thought  of  calling my detective  to  investigate  more. In the meantime , he called me with some other  information, making me speechless.  

One day, Vrinda  attended  a blood donation camp, which was organized  by  her company for some NGO.  There she might have given details  which  brought  her  this trouble. But, many NGOs do the needful  and I agree some may do the illegal work which is against  the  law. When I asked him if he  knew the name of the NGO,  his reply  made me go numb.  That was the organization  that was run by my uncle(maternal) under my mother's  name.  I know my uncle very well.  He was a kind human and  a humble  person.  He always helps the needy . He loved my mother  and  she is his only family.  After her death  he was devasted  and went into depression.  I came to know that he started  many charity works like orphanage,  old age homes, and many welfare  hospitals I her name. So, how can he do such  undoable  activities.  There must be someone behind this whole mess. They want to tarnish our name in society.  No one will hide for too long. I'll definitely  find  out who was behind all this and save our family.  Before  that, i needed to inform  this to my uncle and ask him to be  vigilant . He should be careful  with  his  employees.  I made a call to my uncle and told him about me coming back to India. He felt very happy  and said that he would  meet me immediately.  But, I killed his excitement  saying that I was in my Grandma 's village.  He asked about her well-being and also about Vrinda  and  Lakshya.  I know him. He wishes for the well-being of  the people.  He is such a positive  person. I decided  to  meet him in person  and let him know about the illegal activities of his NGO s. I ended my call and resumed my work. When I was I my own world, I was distracted by the knocking  of my door. Vrinda  came to my room and called me for dinner.  I wanted to start a conversation  with  her, but she ignored  me by looking away. I was hurt with her behavior.  I made my mind not to lose my cool and be patient  with her. Letting  go of my ego, I started  the conversation. 

Arjun: " Vrinda,  hey, come sit. Let's talk. "

Vrinda: " No. I just came to inform  you  that  dinner is ready. You come fast. Amma Amma is waiting  for  you.  It's already  late. It doesn't  look  good  to make the elder wait. I'll go. Bye. "

Arjun: " Hey… Vrinda  wait.. Hey, listen  … Vrinda  please ".

But, she was long gone. The nerve of this girl.  I am desperate  to clear  our  differences between us, and  here she is showing  me her attitude.  She didn't  even  wait for me. I shut my mouth  and  followed  her down. 

Grandma:" Arjun,  what is this?. Look at yourself. Is this how  you  dress. How can you come down in a sleeve  less  shirt and boxers.  Go dress properly  and  come. The village  heads are with us  for dinner.Dont make them wait  long. "

That's when it  striked me. I was in my vest and shorts. May be that was the reason  why Vrinda avoided looking at me. She must have felt  uncomfortable.  But could  I do?. I felt irritating  in that traditional  wear. So,  I came back to my room and changed  my dress. I am comfortable  in only t shirts, shorts  and  tracks or jeans. This girl  could have told me to wear something  proper.  I need to get accustomed  to this  hot weather slowly.

Thank you.  

Bye . Take  care.  

Stay safe  and  healthy.  

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