The day of the mistake

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"I remember that day at the mall. I could never forget that day. I remember the day started with being awoked by Arlington" I told the brown haired man sitting on the couch across from me. He had calmed down immensely when he started talking about how that day started for him. I could not believe the words he had told me. How did I never know that he was told to keep his head down? How did I never notice it all? How was he so calm when talking about it? I decided that it was my turn to tell Percy my side of the story. 


"Remy~~ Wake up! You have to come with me to the mall today. Mom told me that you need to get out of the house more so come on" I could feel my body being shooken awake by the annoying girl who was screaming into my ears. I was quickly jolted out of my peaceful sleep before my eyes opened widely and I groaned when the familiar green color bounced around every wall. I sighed while sitting up and looking at my annoying sister. Why must she always insist on screaming in my ears? I was having a good dream! She completely ruined it. I was dreaming about seeing color. I was so close to finally seeing color for the first time and she completely ruined it. Stupid dream and stupid Arlington. 

"You ruined my dream Arly" I whined dramatically while standing out of my bed, putting on my slippers and walking over to my dresser. I could not believe that I was now forced to go to the stupid mall with my sister. I just wanted to play some video games this weekend. I quickly opened my dresser before looking for some clothes to wear for the day. I quickly grabbed the first green shirt I could find and some pants that I knew were black. All my pants are the same dark shade. My mother decided it was better since all I could see were different shades of green. She did not wish for me to become overwhelmed. Really I believe she simply didn't want me to be made fun of for matching the wrong colors. Only being able to see green your entire life really does suck at times. I wish I could finally meet my soulmate. I wish to see color. 

"What were you dreaming about?" The girl on my bed asked and I sighed while walking over to my bathroom. I placed my clothes down on the counter before starting the water for my warm shower. I can not believe she woke me up this early on a Saturday. 

"I was dreaming about being in this meadow. It was beautiful. There were flowers everywhere. Of course, all the flowers were green, and everything is always green but for almost a second, I could see a glimpse of what I believe is red. The color was bright and fiery like you mentioned the color being" I explained to her and the girl grinned widely. I wish to go back to my dream. I was very close to seeing the vibrant color that my sister had described to me countless times. 

"Red is such an awesome color. One of my absolute favorites. Hey! Maybe this means you will finally meet your soulmate soon. This article I read said something about how you start to see new colors in your dreams a few days before you meet your soulmate. This could be a sign" She exclaimed excitedly and I sighed while rolling my eyes. Of course, she read something like that in a magazine. She always reads things in magazines. 

"Where did you read that, in a magazine? Arly I've told you countless times that things in magazines are all fake" I asked my sister who pouted and threw a pillow at me. I sighed before closing my bathroom door and looking at my reflection in the mirror. I could not help but hate the face that looked back at me. What if my soulmate did not want me? There was nothing special about me. I was just a green blob in this world full of green. I did not have the best hair, I was not the smartest. I was a nobody. What if they don't wish to meet me? Why would they wish to meet me? What if my soulmate was this very cute and smart person? They could have anyone, why would they want me? What if my soulmate was mean? What if they didn't like me? What if they weren't the one for me? I sighed before brushing off the thoughts and getting into my warm shower. I had no time for these thoughts. I needed to get ready so I can spend my entire day with my annoying sister. I groaned at the thought. Today is going to be a long day. 


"Remy look at them! Aren't they just so handsome. I swear Euhyuk has my entire heart" The annoying voice of my sister asked me while shoving these magazines with these random boys on them into my face. I sighed while nodding at her so she would calm down. I really do not care about this random boy group, I just wished to leave this place. I could not believe that she dragged me to the mall to buy these pointless things. 

"Arly, are we done here yet? I wish to eat something before I pass out. You didn't let me eat breakfast after all" I asked my sister while giving her a bored expression and she rolled her eyes before quickly paying for the things she wanted and we left the store. Thank goodness that was over with. I smiled while we made our way to the escalator for the second floor. Food here I come! We quickly made our way up to the second floor, my mind flooded with the thought of food. My mouth was watering at the thought. I loved food. We were walking off of the escalator when suddenly I ran into something. Well more like someone. I groaned before looking up and my eyes locked with another pair. My eyes widened once the room started to become vibrant. Red! I could see the bold color. I looked around me and quickly noticed all the different colors. I could see the soft blue color, I could see the even softer pink colors. I could see color! I looked back down at the person I accidentally ran into before my breath was taken away from me. She was breathtaking. I stared at the beautiful girl who stood in front of me with wide eyes. She must be my soulmate! Holy shit I found my soulmate!

"You're my soulmate!" I heard myself exclaim suddenly while the brunette girl looked at me with a shocked expression. The expression was very cute on her. She was very pretty. I could not believe this was actually happening right now. She was my soulmate! This was unbelievable!

"You're my soulmate! All my life I have been looking for you. Everything has always been green but suddenly when you bumped into me, the colors appeared everywhere! Oh goodness, you are actually my soulmate!" I exclaimed excitedly while waiting for the girl to react in any way. She looked up at me before smiling slightly and we shared a smile. The girl chuckled shyly. 

"Hello, I'm Arlington and this boy who won't stop gawking at you is my brother Remington. It is nice to meet you" I suddenly heard my sister say and quickly I was snapped out of my trance. I had forgotten that she was next to me. I had forgotten that we were still in a public place. My cheeks started to feel warm to the touch. Goodness this was embrassing. The brunette girl shook my sister's extended hand before I noticed the boy standing behind my soulmate. Who was he? Was he related to my soulmate? They looked really similar, sporting the same brown hair and the green eyes. This must be her brother.

"It's lovely to meet both of you. My name is Rosemary but you can call me Rose" My soulmate said while smiling at both me and my sister and I could not help the quickening of my heart. She had a beautiful name. I smiled at my soulmate and once again we shared a smile. Maybe having a soulmate won't be that bad.  

I do really like this chapter. It shows exactly what happened that day. Remy had explained it to Jayce and Ky but now we actually get to see it and understand how everything went down. Remy ran into Rose, Percy looked up, the boys locked eyes but before either noticed the eye lock, they were bombarded with new colors. Remy did notice Percy after seeing Rose and since he already believed that Rose had the green eyes, it was not a shock when he noticed Percy's greens eyes. The siblings simply have the same eyes right? I wonder what happened next. I hope you all enjoyed. Also the pronoun game in this story. Remy refers to his potential soulmate as 'They' until he meets Rose and his soulmate is now "Her", he does not mind if his potential soulmate was male or female, he just wants to find them. 


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