Remington and Percival Reed

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Warning: PTSD, traumatic experiences symptoms. I'm sorry I can never give a chapter without trauma apparently.

"Did you know that you make the most adorable faces when you get into the show?" I looked up at the handsome man whose arms I was currently cuddled into before glaring at him and unconsciously pouting. I do not make any faces when watching the television, how dare he say that. I quickly started to feel the heat rising to my cheeks and I just as quickly turned away from him. Stupid Remy and his stupid cute smile and his stupid laugh. I am not adorable when I watch the television. He's just hopelessly in love with me that he believes everything I do is cute. Stupid. I smile gently. I swear I love this man more than anything else.

"Love come on, don't pout. I'm sorry If I find my boyfriend to be super adorable and just had to say it" He explained and I rolled my eyes while looking back toward him before huffing. I am not adorable. I am a grown man, I'm strong, not cute. I crossed my arms over my chest in protest.

"I am not cute," I said while pouting and Remy smiled brightly at me. My heart skipped a beat like it always did and I silently scolded myself. Stupid heart and stupid feelings.

"Oh really? Well, I must disagree. You are absolutely adorable and incredibly handsome and I love you" He said while scoping me back into his arms and kissing my heated cheeks. I tried squirming away from his strong arms but to no avail...Stupid strong arms.

"Shut up" I managed to stutter out past all my emotions and Remy chuckled while peppering my face with kisses. I couldn't contain the laughter that rose out of me while I was trying to swat him away. I may be protesting him on this but truly I wouldn't change this moment for everything in the world. Remy was annoying and very clingy but this is what I had wanted my entire life. This was Remy and me. This was what it was like to be with my soulmate. Remy may drive me crazy when he's complimenting me, something that I am not used to but really I love it and I love him. He was perfect. Remy continued his assault on my face before we suddenly heard a knock on the door. Who could that be? I was not expecting anyone. Not many people even knew where I lived. I looked at the man above me with a raised eyebrow and he shrugged back. No help as always I see.

"I guess I'll get it," I told him before standing up off the couch and making my way toward my front door. I could only wonder who it was. Remy and I were not expecting any guests today. We had decided to spend the day inside just the two of us. Who could this be? I opened the door and everything froze. The world stopped. I stopped. Everything stopped. What was she doing here? I stared at the face that had plagued my nightmares for years. The face that still plagues most of my nightmares. Why was Rose here? Why was she here? No, no, no, no. This can not be happening. This is not real. She is not real. No. No. No.

"Percy, love are you oka.. What are you doing here?!" Remy exclaimed while he walked over to my frozen state and saw the woman standing on the other side of the door. I watched as Remy's eyes burned with the fire of his anger and while Rose stood there nervously. Why was she here? What was she doing here? Why...What was happening?..

"I came to give you this. I figured this ring should be at your next wedding since it was at ours" She said while showing the ring in her hand. It was my grandmother's ring. It was the ring our mother gave Rose on the day of her engagement. Why was she bringing the ring here? Why was she here? No. She was here for me, wasn't she? She was here to...No! This is not real. I watched as Remy raised an eyebrow while his reaction did not change.

"You came all the way here just to give me some ring that I never even gave to you. That was your grandmother's ring. Your mother gave it to you when we got betrothed. I don't want it, it's yours" Remy said and Rose sighed while looking down. Why was she here? I do not want her here.

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