I want him expelled!

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I quickly rushed to the infirmary with the unconscious angel in my arms. He needed help. He needed to be looked over. I could already see the forming bruises on his skin. I could not believe this happened. I did not believe this could happen. This happened in the halls for Christ sake! I could not believe what I had walked in on. I could not believe what I just stopped. I was so thankful that I had stopped this before it got worst. What would have happened if I did not show up? I could not believe this. Was all this really happening right now? Did I really walk in on that? I was shaken to my core. How long had this been happening? How long had this boy been treated like this? How long had he been suffering? How long had that blonde been doing this? How long has this been going on? I felt sick. I felt terrible about these thoughts. What would have happened if I did not show up? What has happened all the other times? How long had this been going on? I grew angry. This was not right. This was sick. What the fuck. Who would do this?! Who could do this? Who could do this to him? If I ever see that blonde boy again I swear I will kill him! I looked down at the sleeping boy in my arms. I watched how peaceful he looked. He was safe now. Did he know that he was safe now? I hope he knows that he is safe in my arms. I hope he knows that this is not his fault. I stared at the peaceful boy before all the anger inside me wavered a bit. I looked over his smooth skin. He had the smoothest skin I have ever felt. It was unblemished. It looked perfect. It was a weird feeling. His skin felt like the skin of a perfect porcelain doll. I shook my head at the strange thoughts. I looked over his perfect skin before noticing the dark spots that were littering his skin. I growled once I noticed the ones around his neck, and the bruises on his wrists. I could not believe that sick fuck did this to him! There were so many bruises left by that guy. How could he? Who could do this? What kind of sick, twisted fuck would do something like this?! I pushed my thoughts aside while I walked into the room. I looked around the room. I was looking for a school nurse. I looked at all the beds in the room, and at all the medical supplies in the room before a tall, gentle woman came over to me with wide eyes. She gasped when she saw the boy in my arms. We shared a look before she brought me over to one of the beds. I placed him down gently and the nurse went to work, quickly making sure he was healthy. Quickly cleaning the wounds and identifying all the bruises left on him. I sat in the chair next to the bed patiently. I could not help but let the panicky feeling settle inside me. Was he okay? Would he be okay? I was so thankful that I had arrived before it was too late. 

"Can you tell me what happened to him Mr. Reed?" I heard the nurse ask me once she was finished looking over the boy. He seemed to have a few bruises but she assured me that he would be okay. He simply needed rest. I was so thankful to this woman. She was a savior. I looked at the woman next to me before sighing. For the first time since I stumbled upon that scene, I was able to finally relax. I could not believe it.

"I was walking down the hall since this is my free period. I heard some noises and I followed them. That is when I stumbled upon it, Miss. He was being pinned to the wall by this other boy. He was blonde. The boy was saying such vile things and he was touching him inappropriately. I could not just stand there and let it happen. I rushed over and I saved him before things got worst" I explained to the woman who held this warm look. I felt like I could tell her anything. Perhaps that was the true meaning of being a nurse. She needed to be calm and comforting for all the ones who came in. She nodded before she started writing things down on her clipboard. I waited patiently for her to finish her notes before she finally stood up and was about to leave the room. I stood up abruptly with the question I had in mind. I must know who this boy was.  

"Miss, do you know his name?" I asked her. I wanted to know who this boy was. I wanted to know who I saved. I wanted to know who he had with him. I wished to know who his parents were. I needed to know if they were going to take action for this. I could not believe this actually happened. I equally wished to know that blonde's name but I knew the nurse did not have those answers. I would get those answers. I would accept knowing this boy's name for the moment. I want that blonde expelled! The nurse looked at me before smiling gently. 

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