Let's watch a movie and get takeout

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"Percy, we don't need to continue this if you don't want to. It's okay. We could watch a movie or we could order takeout. We do not need to continue this" I said calmly while looking at the man next to me. My eyes widened once I saw the look in his eyes. His sparkling green eyes had lost their sparkle. They had gone cold. They had gone emotionless. He had gone cold. He had gone colder than that time Rose went cold. That time scared me to my very core but nothing was more scary than this. He had gone Dire cold. He had gone as cold as his parents looked when I first met them. It was frightening. I had never seen this expression on him before. I had never seen Percy go cold. Percy wore his emotions on his sleeve. He was sensitive. He had emotions, unlike his family. He was the black sheep of the Dire family. He was like an angel among the hunters. He wore his heart on his sleeve. It was one of the things I liked most about him. He was different from the rest of his family. He was not cold. He never went cold. This was bad. I knew this would be bad. I knew I needed to expect the worst but I never expected this. I had expected him to start shaking once more. I had learned that Percy shakes when he is scared. I had expected him to be in tears. I would be in tears if I had to experience that. I would probably be in tears when he continues the story. I had expected him to be freaking out. I knew I was. He went through a traumatic experience. It was only natural to feel some emotions but he showed none. He was acting like a Dire. He was acting like his family. His time at the camp was traumatic. I knew the next part of this story would be about the camp. I had never known he was sent to a camp. I remember Rose telling me that he went to spend some time at their aunt's house. She told me that he was healing from everything that went on with Dominick. She told me he was fine. I believed her. I had no reason not to. I believed everything she ever told me. I knew the next part of the story would be traumatic. Frankly, I did not wish to hear it. I would do anything not to hear it. It was part of our past, it was going to be addressed. We had agreed to tell each other everything. I had agreed to this. I had asked him to tell me everything and now I did not wish to know. I preferred when I did not know. I preferred to stay oblivious. For just another minute I wish I did not know the truth. I knew the next part of the story was bad for him. His reaction when he had believed Rose was here with me was evidence enough. She had traumatized him. She had caused all his pain and for what? Simply because we were soulmates? Simply because she could not face her truth. She was selfish. He was traumatized by it all. 

"Remy...we need to continue this. We told each other that we would be honest and we would not leave here until everything was said" He said quietly and I looked at him with wide eyes. I could not believe what he was saying. He wished to continue. Why would he wish to continue? Why would he wish to relive all that? Was it important for some reason? Did he believe it was important to me? Did he think I would like him any less if I had found out? Perhaps this was a therapeutic experience? Perhaps he needed to face his fears so we could continue. I could not understand why. I had given him an out. I suggested we watch a movie. I suggested we get some food. When was the last time I had eaten? I do not remember having breakfast this morning. Did he eat lunch? We had been talking for a few hours now and the only thing he has done was finish his glass of water. Was he not hungry? Why would he not take the out? I had suggested we have a nice calm night and ignore the issues and he wishes to continue. I could not understand why? 

"I know what we agreed upon but we could take a break. Are you not hungry?" I asked him while staring into his green eyes. I could see that they had wavered. He no longer held this cold look. He held his fear, he held his trauma but I could see it. I could see that scared expression. I could see his wishes to stop but I could see his determination to continue. Percy was brave. Percy was braver than anyone I had ever known. He was a survivor. 

"Where are you staying tonight?" He asked me very suddenly and I stopped. Where was I staying tonight? Why did that matter? Why was he asking this so suddenly? Why did it matter where I was staying? I was saying at some hotel not far from here. I had been staying there since I left Rose the night prior. I had planned on staying there until I could make sense of Percy being my soulmate. Why did it matter where I was staying? 

"I am staying at a hotel. Why does it matter?" I asked him and Percy nodded before looking down at the ground. Why did he wish to know? Why did he bring this into the conversation? I was confused. Why did it matter? Why did my sleeping arrangement matter? 

"I want you to stay here tonight Remy. I want you to spend the night but before that can happen we need to clear the air. We need to finish telling each other everything. I need to tell you about what happened next because I want you to spend the night" He suddenly said with the most confidence that I had ever seen in him. I had never seen him this confident. He was not this confident when I had met him. He was not this confident when I had talked to him before. He was not this confident when I had asked him if I should marry his sister. He was not this confident at my wedding. He was not this confident today when I showed up here and confessed that I knew the truth. I had never seen him this confident. I liked it. I liked the sparkling in his eyes. I like the small shy smile that graced his lips. Percy looked stunning. He looked perfect. 

"You want me to stay here tonight?" I asked him dumbly and he nodded shyly in return. He looked away when I simply kept staring at him before he started playing with his fingers. It was a nervous habit that I picked up when he did it a few times before. He was nervous and he was shy and oh so adorable. 

"We can order takeout, and we can watch the movie but before we need to finish our conversation" He explained and I could only nod. We had to finish our conversation. Right, we had to finish our conversation. Percy was letting me in. He was being vulnerable with me and I knew I had to do the same. We had to finish our conversation. 

"Okay. After you left, well after you were sent away, things were strange. Rose was colder than I had ever seen her. It was weird. I had asked Rose where you were and she had told me that you were sent to your aunt's place with the coldest tone. It creeped me out but I believed you were safe" I explained to him and Percy listened to every word. I had never known that Rose had lied. I truly did believe that Percy was fine. He was fine with his aunt. He was fine away from school. I truly believed he was fine. Oh, how I chose to believe such lies. I could not believe how much of my life had been a lie.

This chapter is set in the present time if that was not clear. Remy and Percy have been sitting on the same couch since chapter one and they have been telling their sides of the story. Percy just finished talking about the day Rose found out and Remy knows that it's bad. He knows that what Rose did was bad and he suggests they stop for the night. They could in theory finish this conversation another time but Percy wants to continue. He wants Remy to know everything and he wants to know everything too. He also wants Remy to stay the night but can't let that happen until they both know everything. This was a more relaxing chapter than the previous and next ones so I hope you guys enjoyed the more calmer vibe. 


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