We're getting married?!

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What? Did I just hear her correctly? This had to be some joke right? This was a joke, right? Please tell me this was a joke. It was not a very funny one. I stared at the very serious-looking girl next to me before glancing at her parents who continued to hold their same fierce look. I do not believe her parent's like me. The look on Rose's face confirmed my worries. This was not a joke. How? How was this happening? How was this possible? I came here for dinner with Rose's parents. I came here to meet the parents of the girl I had just begun dating. How was I now engaged? I would have remembered if I had asked Rose to marry me. I would have remembered having that type of conversation. What was going on? Was this how things normally went? Does everyone who meets their partner's parents end up engaged? Was this normal? Was this simply a Dire thing? Was it a rich family thing? I could not understand where things took a turn. This was only going to be dinner, how did it escalate? Rose's parents did not even like me. They did not greet me, they did not even react one single bit but then her mother started talking about dresses like everything was normal. I hadn't even started my meal yet and they are already ordering flowers for this ceremony. How did this happen? I could not understand what was happening. How was everyone so calm about this? I was freaking out. They expect me to get married? They expect Rose and I to get married? We are still in high school! I still have an entire year before I graduate, I can not get married. I cannot marry Rose. It is early in our relationship. We recently met. I understand that we are soulmates but that should mean that we have our entire lives together, not get married right away. Was this not absolutely mental? Why are we rushing this? Is it because of me? Is it because they believe I am no good? Is it because they believe I would try to take advantage of Rose? I could not understand. I could not understand when things took a turn. One moment I was introducing myself and the next I was engaged. I sat there stunned. Stunned since the moment Rose had told me that we were now engaged. I could not function, I could not move. I could simply just sit there and watch as Rose and her mother discussed the plans for our upcoming wedding. I was getting married... How was I supposed to feel? This was not my decision. Did I even want to marry Rose? Something felt wrong. What was going on?! My eyes shifted to across the table and locked with the green eyes that seemed to have lost their light. Percy... Something felt incredibly wrong. I could not marry Rose. How could I when I was this deeply confused? Percy continued to invade my thoughts. It was maddening. I could spend hours thinking about the adorable brunette and his sparkling eyes. I could not understand it. I had believed it had stopped. I had believed things were back to normal when I would spend time with Rose. She posed a good distraction but seeing him now once again, seeing him sitting over there looking completely lost I could no longer stop the thoughts. Something was wrong here. Something was wrong with him. He had simply sat there the entire night, quiet and without the sparkle. What was wrong with Percy? Where was the boy who had the brightest green eyes I had ever looked into? Where was the boy who I was to believe was fine? Where was the boy that I saved? The boy that I believed could be my true soulmate? This boy did not look fine. This boy barely looked alive. What happened at his aunt's place? What happened to him?...

...Why did I care so much?

"Remy, are you okay? Do you wish to be excused?" I suddenly heard the soft voice of Rose which brought my attention back to her and her parents. I had almost forgotten where I was. I had almost forgotten what was currently happening. I had to focus. I was getting married after all. It seemed to be very important and I did not wish to miss more about this topic. It was bad enough that I was now engaged without my knowledge. I had to focus.

"What? eh yea, may I be excused?" I asked her politely and she smiled before taking my hand in hers and squeezing it. I smiled back at her. Rose knew exactly how to comfort me. It was why she was perfect for me, it was why she was my soulmate after all.

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