Years overdue

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I stood in front of the tall white door with a very nervous expression. My heart seemed to be beating a mile a minute while I checked to make sure I was at the right place. I looked at the paper in my hands before taking a deep breath and knocked at apartment five hundred and forty-seven. I could not believe I was doing this. Was I really about to do this? What if he did not wish to see me? He clearly did not wish to be with me. He let her play this lie for all these years. He came to our wedding and did not even say anything. Did he even care? Was this a mistake? I decided to push past all my anxiety and wait patiently for the door to open. The white door slowly started to open before my eyes landed on the person behind the door who seemed to completely freeze when our eyes locked. Soft green eyes. All my nerves seemed to wash away while I stared into those green eyes. I had spent years seeing that color every time I would open my eyes. I could now see the difference. Rose's eyes were not this same green. She tried her hardest to fool me, she succeeded at fooling me but now that I see these eyes, I have been a fool my entire life. I looked at the beautiful man standing in front of me before smiling softly. 

"What are you doing here?" He asked as calmly as he could before looking over my shoulder to see if I was here with the entire family. Perhaps he was looking to see if Rose was with me. I smiled gently at him before walking into his apartment. Percy closed the door behind me before making his way around the other side of the room. He looked worried, scared even. Did Rose do this? 

"How did you do it? Did she force you? Did she hurt you? How did she get away with this Percy?" I decided to voice my questions even if he did not know why I was here. He must have figured it out by now. He must have realized why I was here in the absence of Rose. I have not been at his place often but in all the times I have visited this small apartment, Rose had always been with me. She had always been the one to drag me here. I have always been a good husband, completely oblivious to everything that was going on. How could I have been so stupid? I looked back toward the brown-haired man who seemed to be frozen in his kitchen. 

"Is Rosemary with you? Is this some kind of test? Some sick joke?" He asked cautiously and my heart sank. Was this something Rose would do often? I looked back at him before I noticed that he was shaking. Goodness, he was shaking to his very core. He was terrified. He was terrified because of Rose. I quickly stood up off his couch and gently walked over to him before taking his shaking hands in mine. 

"Percy, calm down love. Can you breathe for me?" I asked him while gently squeezing his trembling hands and he slowly started breathing, taking deep calming breaths. I waited while the cute brunette eventually relaxed and I smiled warmly at him. I have never felt this way before. Sure I have always been a good husband and boyfriend to Rose but I have never felt this overwhelming desire to protect someone. I have never felt this much love for another person. Is this what finding your soulmate is? Is this the love my son and his boyfriend told me about? Is this how they felt? 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...please don't hurt me" He started muttering softly and my heart dropped. Did I cause all this? Was this the fear of Rose? I could not understand what was happening. He had never reacted this way when we would visit with the kids. Was he okay? 

"Percy, love, is this because of Rose?" I asked him softly and he visibly tensed up. My heart sank at the way he reacted before gently pulling him toward the couch and setting him down gently. I made sure he was comfortable before going over to his kitchen and getting him a glass of water. I went back over to him and he smile gently before taking the glass from my hands and thanking me. He slowly started sipping the water and I could see that he was finally starting to relax. I sat down in the chair across from him and waited patiently. Perhaps I should not have come here. I seem to have freaked him out more than anything but I really wanted to see him. 

"You know that we are soulmates right? How?" He asked me suddenly while looking up at me and placing the glass down on the coffee table between us. 

"Your nephew's soulmate is very perceptive and doesn't let things go until he knows all the answers. He asked me how I met my soulmate and figured it all out. We locked eyes that day Percy, why did you never tell me?" I explained to him before gently asking my question. Why did he never tell me? He could have easily come over to me back then and told me. He could have told me when we had that conversation after Rose and my betrothal. He could have told me when I was having doubts on my wedding day. He could have told me. I watched as the man in front of me started to play with his fingers while looking visibly uncomfortable once again. 

"I guess we have a lot to talk about," He said with a nervous chuckle and I nodded. We have a lot to talk about indeed. 

~Percy's POV~

What was he doing here? Why was he here? Was Rose with him? Why would he come and visit me? Did Rose send him here? Was she trying to test me again? Was she parking the car and would pop out at any moment? What was he doing here? I stared at the handsome man standing at my apartment door while my heart could not stop but beat rapidly. I scolded my heart to stop its beating. This was my sister's husband. It did not matter that he was my soulmate. It did not matter that he was truly mine. He was my sister's husband. He was my brother-in-law. I had no right to harbor these feelings, my heart has no right to beat for him. He was not mine. The handsome brunette standing at my door awkwardly, slowly walked into my home and I quickly made my way to the other side of the room. Why was he in my home? Why was he here? Where was my sister, why was he not with her? What was happening? 

"How did you do it? Did she force you? Did she hurt you? How did she get away with it Percy?" He suddenly asked me and I froze. Was this a trick? Was this another test? Would Rose find out that I was talking to her husband? My eyes widened when I carefully took in his words. Did Remy know that we were soulmates? How was this possible? How was this happening? Why was this happening? 

"Is Rosemary with you? Is this some kind of test? Some sick joke?" I asked him cautiously while my hands started to violently shake. Was she doing it again? Were they doing it again? Why were they doing this to me? Why would they do this to me? Why? Why...why? I felt gentle hands interlock with mine but I could not stop my brain. Why would they...Why would he...What did I do wrong this time? I've been good, I promise. I've been good...

"Percy, calm down love. Can you breathe for me?" I heard the male in front of me ask gently and before I knew it I started taking deep breaths with him. I focused on the feeling of letting the air enter my lungs before exhaling them. 

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I'm sorry...please don't hurt me" Please don't hurt me...Please. 

"Percy, love, is this because of Rose?" He asked and everything froze. Rose!? Was she here? I've been good I promise. Please no, please...

My body started to calm down. I did not notice when the man had brought me to my couch. I had not noticed when he gave me a glass of water. I did not notice when I drank the glass of water or when I had set it down but I noticed when my body relaxed. I looked at the man sitting on the chair across from me. He held this gentle smile on his face and for the first time, I felt safe. He knows that we are soulmates. How did this happen? 

"You know that we are soulmates right? How?" I asked him gently. 

"Your nephew's soulmate is very perceptive and does not let things go until he knows all the answers. He asked me how I met my soulmate and figured it all out. We locked eyes that day Percy, why did you never tell me?" He explained before asking me the question with the softest expression. My heart sank at the question. I could never tell him. Rose would never let me. Rose kept me away from Remy. He is her husband. He was her boyfriend. He was never mine to have. 

"We have a lot to talk about," I told him with an overwhelming sense of dread I had in me. How was I going to explain all this? Why was this happening? 

Hello and welcome to 'The Wrong Soulmate' the story of what really happened between Remy and Percy. So we start off the story right after Jayce explained to Remy that Mrs. Reed is not his soulmate and Remy went looking for Percy. Right off the bat you can already see that Percy went through a lot when all this went down. I can warn you right now, Rose is the main antaginist in this story and you will see why she does the things she do. I hope you all enjoy this story despite the more mature take I have given it. It is one of the best things I have ever written so enjoy.


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