The wedding

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Warning: Saddest wedding in history, Trauma and brainwashing

"The next time I saw you after that was the wedding. I did not see you at school, I did not see you at graduation. Percy you completely disappeared" The man next to me explained while I looked down. I did disappear after that day in my bedroom. I did not wish to leave him. I did not even wish to tell him what I did that night. I needed to. He was Rose's soulmate. He was not mine. I needed to disappear. My parents took me out of school for the next year. I did not get a graduation. I did not get to see Remy. I did not get to see Rose graduate. They had completely isolated me from the outside world. Isolated me from the end of my high school experience, not that it was the best one but I had wished to finish with my peers. Everything was taken away from me. Most days I was not even permitted to leave the house.

"I was not permitted to see you. I was not permitted to leave the house. I was almost not permitted to come to the wedding but mother figured it would look bad for the family image if their own son was not at his sister's wedding" I explained to the man who was desperate for answers. He wanted to understand why things happened the way they did. He wished to understand why I had done what I did. I could not understand it. Why had I been so weak? I knew Remy wished to understand why I sat back and let him slip away but there was no real reason. There was simply fear. My entire life has been fear. Fear stood in this room with us right now. Fear was everywhere. Fear consumed me.

"I asked you if I should marry Rose. I asked you a second time Percy because it did not feel right. I desperately wished you would tell me not to marry her. I wanted you to choose me" He said while taking my hands in his and locking his brown eyes with my green ones. He begged me that day. He was saying all the right things to make me fold. I believed it was a test. I believed it was one of Rose's tests. It had to have been a test. Everything Rose did was a test. She was testing me, I knew she was. I had passed that test but I had destroyed my future. I had destroyed my hope. I had destroyed us.

"I was trained to tell you to do it. Rose came to me a few days before the wedding. She...You were hers and not mine" I explained to him simply. Remy was Rose's soulmate. Rose was Remy's soulmate. He was not mine. He was hers. I have heard those words my entire life, I believe at one point I did believe her. How could I not? Remy was Rose's soulmate was basically engraved in my mind. Remy was Rose's soulmate.

"Percy I was your soulmate, nothing else mattered," He said in a desperate tone while giving me the softest look I had ever seen. I had seen this look another time before. This was the look Remy would give me every time we interacted. This was all the love Remy had for me. This was a look I had never gotten used to. It was the only soft look I have ever seen in my entire life.. Dire's were not soft. Nobody had ever looked at me like this except for Remy. It was a look that would have me completely folding. I would reveal every secret simply to see this look. I craved desperately for years to see this look once again.

"I could not tell you. I could not say the words no matter how desperately I wanted to say them. I couldn't say them, they weren't there anymore. They were gone" I tried to explain how I had felt all those years ago. I remember being incapable of telling him what I wished so desperately to let him know. The words were not there. It was a test and I had passed.

"They were tortured out of you. I married Rose" He concluded while giving me a sour look.

"You married Rose" I frowned. He married Rose. The future was decided at that moment. I had decided. I remember it well.


"Percival Armonde Dire, come here this instant. Rosemary's wedding is in less than an hour and we must head out. You better be properly dressed" The vicious voice of the green-eyed snake could be heard throughout the long halls of the mansion. The sound was so loud that even the stable boys could hear the loud screams of the lady of the manor. I sighed. I hated this, I have never hated anything more in my entire life. It was Rose's wedding today. It was a joyous occasion and surprisingly I have yet to see any joy. There was no joy. Joy was a myth, it did not exist. I could not believe in joy. Today was Rose's wedding. Today was the day everyone had been waiting for. The day we have waited three years for. Today was the Dire heir's wedding. Today was Remy's wedding... The feeling in my heart sank when this thought crossed my mind. I was not ready for today. Today was the day I had been dreading. Today was the day I had wished desperately would never come. Today I lost my soulmate to my sister. Today I lost him forever.

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