Skyler, how you met

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You fought in The Battle of Elements and that's where you meet the Ninja's and that's also where you meet her, the Master of Amber, Skyler. She was an interesting fighter, her moves matched the powers she absorbed which turns to be very affective. It was mesmerizing seeing her fight, her body going with the wind, no restraints holding her down. Absolute freedom.
Just like your Elemental was meant for.

You were one of the members that was in the plane, ordered to catch an intruder. Though you only stayed in the game when you realized that Chen's right hand man started taking out members. You were one of them, your Elemental power stripped away while your forced to work. It wasn't the best but you had made friends with the others.

Skyler on the other hand was still by her father's side, only when you saw her again she was a snake. This worried you but you couldn't let that show on your face, it would give the wrong impression on the person who technically threw you to work. There wasn't good blood between you guys but there was slight conform no matter how many times the other gave a side eye.


It has been a couple of months since the Battle of Elements and let's just say you've been looking around Ninjago for Skyler. Since you were new to the city and didn't know where her workplace was at, it was kind of confusing. Sighing through your mouth as you stretched legs outwards. You peaked out of an ally way to see Chen's Noodle store.

Finally I found it you beamed, jogging across the street to get on the same side as the store. After hyping yourself up for maybe right minutes you walked in. A bell announced your arrival causing the person at the front desk to look up at you.

"How many are in your party?" She asked with a smile on her face.

"Oh um one" you hesitated slightly while the lady leads you to an empty seat. While she was leading you to your seat you were looking for Skyler. After being seated for awhile you started taking some sushi rolls off the counter. You hadn't seen any sign of Skylar not knowing that she remembered you from the tournament. She was currently hiding in the back, watching you, hyping herself up before confronting you.


Skyler watched as a familiar face walked into her restaurant. At first she didn't pay attention until she realized where she's seen them and quickly walked into the storage room. It had been months since that tournament and she wasn't really happy how she treated them. She was still working for her father when she was rude to y/n, all they ever did was be nice to her. Peaking out of the door she could see their (h/l) (h/c/c's) hair facing her before their face turned towards her direction. Quickly hiding again she turned her head to see one of her workers staring at her with concern.

"Ma'am are you ok? Is someone bad here?" He asked, glancing out of the window before looking back to her.

"Oh sorry, no it's just- there's a person that I know but can't confront due to bad drama, you know?" She tried to ask him for help but he just raised an eyebrow before nodding in understanding.

"Well then if you don't mind me adding in my own advice," he looked at her for reassurance which she gave to him with a smile.

"They obviously know this is your restaurant; it would also look bad on them if they came just to start drama so maybe they want to talk. It's never too late to fix mistakes ma'am, if they're not fixed then it'll pile up and burst." He spoke with a soft smile while watching her reaction making sure he didn't step out of line. Skylar smiled to her employee as she huffed her chest out in agreement.

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