Jay, how you met

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You have telekinesis for Jay's story

"Oh dear, y/n can you be a dear and help Ed with what he's looking for" Mrs. Edna asked of you. You bowed your head as a yes and walked over to where she pointed at.

"Mr. Ed are you around here?" You called out to the pile of metal, looking up and down for any sign of a person sitting around in-between the metal. There wasn't a response so you continued your walk around calling for him, you were about to give up when you heard him call for you.

"Over here y/n! I think I found what I was looking for but it's stuck" he yelled from a distance, you quickly ran towards his voice to find him looking at an object with his hands on his hips.

"Let me get that for you, Mr. Ed" you suggested, raising your hand up and concentrated on the upper pile of what he wanted. Slowly but surely the junk started floating until Ed was able to grab the piece of metal he wanted without anything falling. He raised it up in victorious and you smiled while you slowly placed the majority of the junk back down.

"Good job, y/n that was more then last week. You're getting stronger that's for sure" Mr. Ed complimented your power causing you to laugh and thank him.

"Well I have to make sure you and Mrs. Edna don't get hurt, Sir" you shrugged off his compliment while you grab the rest of the metal he wanted to carry. It wouldn't be very gentleman like of anyone to let an older man carry heavy stuff.

"I got this Sir, just focus on telling me what else you need and where you want this stuff at" you suggested, making the metals float above your head but still behind you.

"Aw why thank you, y/n here grab that one and that big piece over there. That should be the last one and then we can go back to the trailer." He told you and as you promised you picked them up easily and focused your mind onto the floating metals behind you. You follow directly behind him and placed the metal behind the trailer house, it seemed he was building some type of motorcycle.

"You built this Mr. Ed?" You gasped, walking around the half built motorcycle, examining it.

Wow this is..... gorgeous you know it wasn't complete but still the structure was enough to make you want to see it completed. Placing down the metal next to the unfinished bike.

"Who is this for Mr. Ed?" You asked while he was watching you examine the bike with pride on his face.

"Oh it's for my son, Jay, he's always so busy these days but whenever he visits I like to give him some gifts for his hard work" he answered with a sad smile on his face. You looked at him with a clearly upset face, you walked up to his side and pat his shoulder. Knowing that name, Jay he was the blue Ninja, Elemental Master of Lighting

"I'm sure he thinks of you and Edna whenever he's out saving Ninjago" you assured him with a smile on your face trying to make him feel better.

I didn't know his son was the lightning ninja, it must be stressing, worrying about him you thought.

"Ya your right, shall we start building this thing" he cheered up quickly and started adjusting the wiring along with adding onto the outer shell.
As time went on the bike was done, you and Ed examined it with delight in seeing her completed.

"ED, come over here, guess who came to visit!" Yelled Mrs. Edna from the front of the trailer. Mr. Ed hurried around plus you to see his son came to visit them. They hugged him while you cleaned your hands and smiled from a distance.

How sweet he does visit them out of the blue.... unless he wants something? Then it's not really sweet I guess you sighed through your nose as they started chatting.

"Oh dear let me introduce you to y/n, y/n come over here" Mrs. Edna called out to you, waving her arm for you to come to her side which you did comply. Walking to her side as she wrapped her arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a side hug. Jay's lightning blue eyes watched your every move when you were pulled into a hug by his mother. He noticed your (y/e/c), pulling him into a trance, not in a love way but more of a 'i want to know this person' way. You only smiled awkwardly as you sticked your hand out for him to shake.

"They've been helping us here in the junkyard for quite some time now" Mrs. Edna added in with a warm smile and a nod from Mr. Ed.

"It's nice to finally meet you, Jay your parents told me so much about you" you told him, watching him raise both his hand to grab yours and his eyes brow. Questioning whether or not he should be embarrassed from what his parents told you.

"Don't worry, nothing embarrassing..." You reassured him, letting his hand go as a chuckle was let out of your mouth. Seeing him sigh in relief before you added

"At least nothing too embarrassing" smirking and his now red face while he looks at his mother who only giggled and shook it off.
You soon figured out that Jay is easily embarrassed, pretends to not be scared but is, and he's really sincere. Not much people are made like that anymore, so you enjoyed the time Jay would pop in.

Though, when he would pop in it was mainly to protect his mother and father from the bad guys that; you already defeated sometimes; wanted some scrape or target Ed and Edna. The other times when he would visit would be to see you. He would never admit it but you can tell just by teasing him about it. It was nice to have someone your age to talk to even if majority of the time you were teasing him.




Word count: 1049

This one is pretty short compared to my other chapters, but either way hope you enjoyed! Have a great day/night/afternoon!

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